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About The Author


The Roswell Incident


Majestic 12 Documents


Area 51


The Truth


Underground Bases In Southern California


The Krill Documents


Men In Black


Alien Autopsies and Ray Santilli's footage


Multiple Dimensions


MSNBC Report Pertaining to UFO's


Various Top Secret Documents


Although scientific discoveries have
proven that there is oneoverall 'reality'

of the full electromagnetic spectrum,
there are many suggestions that there
are 'facets' of

this immense electromagnetic reality
which are as yet unknown to us and
which are erroneously

referred to as 'other' dimensions. This
is not necessarily the case, as there is
evidence that

what some see as other dimensions are
actually various different facets of the
ONE multi-faceted

superdimension we call 'reality'. For
instance, it is theoretically possible that
another 'world'

may exist on the other 'side' of the
electromagnetic reality in which we live,
an anti-matter

world or realm or possibly a world
invisible to us yet no less 'solid' existing
on the opposite

or reverse electromagnetic 'polarity'
from our own. Scientists have
mathematically proven that

anti-matter does exist. Many writers
have theorized about the existence of an
'alternate' world

where the flow of time might be
different from that as we know it. One
such author was C. S. Lewis.

There have been many accounts
however which suggest that people
have vanished into or appeared

from such a region. Based on the
suppositions, both fictionaland
para-scientific, the one

electromagnetic reality might consist of
three major facets. 1) The world of the
'Living' in

which we find ourselves, 2) the world of
the 'Dead' or the spirit realm as it in
known among many

religions and which may consist of
electromagnetic energy itself, 3) and
possibly although

uncertainly a 'para-physical' realm
invisible to us though no less solid, which
might exist in an

opposite polarity of the electromagnetic
reality-spectrum in which we find
ourselves, and which may

be inhabited by entities who have
somehow found their way there from
the other two realms, and

which might be referred to as the land
of the 'Living-Dead' since it seems from
both fictional

and theoretical accounts that it is a
realm where physical and supernatural
flow together, a

possible realm of intense conflict
between good and evil.


Much has been written about so-called
multiple dimensionsand realities. Some of
the theories

surrounding this subject maybe
half-true, but not always entirely
accurate. The fact is,there are

many 'dimensions' yet only one 'reality'.

Let us use this example: A plant usually
contains a main orcentral 'stem' yet
many 'branches'

which shoot forth from themain stem. If
one branch could look toward the other
side of the plant

and see another 'branch', it might get
the idea that it ispart of an entirely
different 'world'

than it's own when in factit is one with
the other 'branch' by way of the main

In the same analogy, there is apparently
only one overall'electromagnetic
reality', yet

numerous FACETS of that one
electromagnetic spectrum. The human
mind and body was created in

such a way as to beenabled to perceive
elements of all major 'dimensions' at
once,or rather small

portions of all dimensions at once.
Humans as a result 'dwell' in the realm
where all 'dimensions'

converge, or in the convergence of the
entire electromagnetic
superspectrum,thus in a sense humans

are 'multi-dimensional' beings, so to

The human nervous system is in essence
a type of biological 'transceiver' which
is capable

of perceiving these interlocking
'dimensions' and can receive and send
information and impressions

[The spoken word being one method], yet
sociologists admit that 'words' make up
only about 20 percent

of the 'communications' which takes
place between human beings. Enormous
amounts of 'communication'

can be exchanged through attitudes,
tone, the eyes, body 'language', feelings,
touch and so on.

Since mankind was created to perceive
all dimensions simultaneously in a
balanced and unified

way, they have the powerto 'focus' or
'tune-in' on one particular aspect, facet
or spectrum of

reality over all others. The danger in
this is that the more one focuses on one

of reality the les she or she is able to
perceive-discern the others. In other
words the more

'room' that one makes in their
perceptions for a particular facet of
reality, the less 'room'

there will be todevelop and maintain
perceptions of the other aspects of
reality.This is why it is

good to have a 'balanced' perception.

One good example of this would be those
who are born blind (being deprived of
perceiving the

dimension of light) and as a result are
usually highly developed in the

which attempt to make-up for the lack
of sight perception. Most blind people,
nevertheless, would

probably rather have their eyesight if
given the chance, since they are
nevertheless being deprived

of fully perceiving and enjoying one
facet-dimension of reality.

Being multi-dimensional beings, we
possess specific sensory organs which
allow us to perceive

different 'dimensions' or facets of
reality. For instance here are some
distinct 'dimensions'

which are part of the one
electromagnetic reality-spectrum, as
described by researcher John A. Keel:

Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue,

Megacycles, Electricity, Audio spectrum,

VLF Radio,LF Radio, High Frequency
DIMENSION(Kilometers, Microwaves,

Super-heat, Very-High-Frequency
Radio,Ultra-High-Frequency Radio); UPPER

(X-Rays, Gamma Rays, Cosmic Rays);
Bass, Treble, Ultrasonic,

Very-Low Frequency orVLF);
waves and fields, Magneticfields,

Black Streams, Thought-waves, Super
Energies, etc.).

As one can see, this is a BASIC outline of
the various 'dimensional frequencies'
which make

up the one electromagneticreality, and
all of these in turn break down into
seemingly infinite and

finer frequencies as in a Radio's AM-FM
and otherbands and even finer facets of

If it were possible for someone to enter
and 'inhabit' oneof these particular

via molecular energizing,then it would
only be logical to assume that they
would only have power

to operate within that dimension. One
can only operate and influence the
'world' in which they find

themselves. If someonewere capable of
PHYSICALLY generating or 'phasing'
themselvesinto the

'etheric' or non-physical dimension for
instance thenthey must as a result give
up the control and

power which theyformerly held to
influence the physical-material
dimension, otherthan perhaps

influencing to some extent the
spirit-etheric bodyof a human being. A
non-solid entity usually

would not possessthe ability to lift
physical objects unless they were at
least'partially' material.

The accounts of 'poltergeists'
wouldsuggest the activity of entities,
whether human, animal

or angelic (usually infernal rather than
paradisial) which have manifested in
para-physical or

partially-physical form whether through
'tapping off' from the bio-energies of a
human being,

an electrical or some other MATERIAL or
semi-material energy source.

There is evidence that the malevolent
entities commonly known as the 'Greys'

(to mankind's detriment) succeeded
in'phase-shifting' between various
different electromagnetic

levels of energy and have been able to
cause extreme harm to those whoare
spiritually weak and

vulnerable, whether such a process is
initiated through occult-tech or through

're-directing' electromagnetic currents
through their physical bodies to produce
such an effect.

This may explain why some 'phantasms'
which seemingly appear and disappear
have been described as

appearing similar to the saurian grey
entities, and have been mistaken for

(although some would nevertheless
argue that they AREd emonic in
character if not in nature).

Such corrupted abilities on the part of
these 'aliens' might explain why some
people involved

in investigating such creatures and their
activities have gone insane, committed

or literally died of fright,etc. at the
hands of such infernal entities even
through they were

attacked from the 'etheric' dimension.
Of course in such a state they could
cause little if any

PHYSICAL harm to a human being,
however the psychic and spiritual
oppression directed at the psyche

or spiritual nature of a human being
might drive . Since the human blood or
life-stream contains\

BOTH physical and spiritual
characteristics, this would explain why
the life-blood of a human being

plays such an important part in not only
Christian thought, but also in satanic
cults andrituals.

Avowed satanists fully realize the
power resident in human blood, and so
do the draconians

themselves. The reptilians are
'energized' to some extent by stealing
and robbing human souls

character. Any human being with a
beating heart is fully alive in the eyes of
our Creator, and to

steal someone's life-essence which the
Creator has given them as an invaluable
gift is one of the

most heinous crimes that could possibly

The above explanation of dimensional
convergences would also explain why
some people are able

to discern objects, such as cloaked
aerial craft, which lie behind the normal
limited range of human

vision while others nearby are not able
to perceive such objects. In modern
times a good percentage

of UFO craft are concealed through an
electromagnetic 'cloaking' system, but
certain 'sensitive'

humans as well as certain fine-tuned
equipment may be able to detect such
craft. However, as

we've indicated, someone who strives
to be 'sensitive' or focus entirely on any

'frequency' of the
electromagnetic-etheric superdimension
will suffer by becoming 'blind-sighted'

to other aspects of reality into which
they are not 'focused', and may be far
more susceptible

to alien mind manipulation due to
reasons that I have mentioned earlier.

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