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About The Author


The Roswell Incident


Majestic 12 Documents


Area 51


The Truth


Underground Bases In Southern California


The Krill Documents


Men In Black


Alien Autopsies and Ray Santilli's footage


Multiple Dimensions


MSNBC Report Pertaining to UFO's


Various Top Secret Documents


The Krill Documents

The Krill Report
-- Part I





Throughout the forty year period when UFO have been actively observed in our civilization, a lot of data has been gathered -- data which has often pointed to aspects
of the phenomena that have been supressed. As a result of the suppression and compartmentalization of the information, our culture has been fragmented into several levels of "reality" which both co-exist and oppose each other. Part of our culture does not or will not believe in the existence of other species; part of our culture acknowledges their existence or the probability of their existence; part of our culture is actually interacting with the other species. These simultaneous realities contribute to the condition of extreme confusion in which we find ourselves.

Research into UFO's follows a similar pattern. Some view the matter in a completely
empirical perspective; others search for patterns and functional relationships in events; still others go out and ask the right questions at the right time and get answers. Some of those answers that have appeared are, to some people, quite disturbing and fantastic.

All in all, we are dealing with new concepts in physics, new concepts in psychology, and the gradually growing awareness that we are not only not alone here, but we have never been alone here. As if that were not enough, it turns out that factions of our society have known this, and apparently have been interacting with some of these alien
species for quite a while.

The bottom line is that all along, humanity has been led down a false path, a path that has been plagued by layer upon layer of conspiracies and disinformation. Technological knowledge and absolute power have been the motives on the human side. Survival has been the motive on the alien side, or at least as far as the predominant alien visitors are

The intent of this paper is to bring much of the details regarding this into the open. You are not being asked to believe it, but to consider it in the light of what has happened,
what is happening, and what may be developing right under our very noses. If you find that you cannot stomach such thoughts, or that you cannot deal with it, read no further.

It is quite evident, or it should be, that the UFO situation is both complex and dangerous. The UFO problem is a multi- situational and multi-dimensional phenomena.
We have established the following as having a basis in fact:
Craft from other worlds have crashed on Earth.
Alien craft are from both ultra-dimensional sources
and sources within this dimension.

Early U.S. government efforts at acquiring alien
technology were successful.

The U.S. government has had live alien hostages at
some point in time.

The government has conducted autopsies on alien cadavers.

U.S. intelligence agencies, security agencies, and
public agencies are involved in the coverup of facts
pertaining to the situation.

People have been and are currently abducted,
mutilated, murdered and kidnapped as a result of the
UFO situation.

There is a current active alien presence on this
planet among us that controls difference elements of
our society.

Alien forces maintain bases on Earth and on the Moon.

The U.S. government has had a working relationship
with alien forces for some time, with the express
purpose of gaining technology in gravitational
propulsion, beam weaponry and mind control.

Millions of cattle have been killed in the process
of acquiring biological materials.

Both aliens and the U.S. government are responsible
for mutilations, but for different reasons.

We live in a multi-dimensional world that is
overlapped and visited by entities from other
dimensions. Many of these entities are hostile.
Many are not hostile.

The basis of our genetic development and religions
lies in intervention by non-terrestrial and
terrestrial forces.

Actual technology far exceeds that perceived by
the public.

The United States space program is a cover operation
that exists for public relations purposes.

People are being actively killed in order to suppress
the facts about the situation. The CIA and the NSA
are involved so deeply that exposure would cause
collapse of their overt structure.

Facts indicate alien overt presence within five to
ten years.

Our civilization is one of many that have existed in
the last billion years.

You will probably have more conclusions. To see, just read on....

Animal Mutilations and UFOs

General Chronology

In the middle of 1963, a series of livestock attacks occurred in Haskell County, Texas. In a typical case, an Angus bull was found with its throat slashed and a saucer-sized wound in its stomach. The citizenry attributed the attacks to a wild beast of some sort, a "vanishing varmint." As it continued its furtive forays through the Haskell County
outback, the bloodluster assumed somewhat more mythic proportions and a new name was destined to endure: The Haskell Rascal.

Throughout the following decade, there would be sporadic reports of similar attacks on livestock. These attacks were occasionally described as "mutilations." The most prominent of these infrequent reports was the mutilation death of "Snippy" the horse in
southern Colorado in 1967, accompanied by area UFO sightings, a Condon Committee investigation and worldwide press coverage.

It was in 1973 that the modern animal mutilation wave can be said to have begun in earnest. That year is generally thought of as the year of the last concerted UFO flap, although there may be reason to question that contention, given the events of two years later.

In 1973 and 1974 the majority of the classic mutilation reports originated in the central United States. In 1975, an unprecedented onslaught spread across the western two-thirds of the United States. Mutilation reports peaked in that year, accompanied by accounts of UFOs and unidentified helicopters. In 1978, the attacks increased.By 1979, numerous livestock mutilations were occurring in Canada, primarily in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Attacks in the United States leveled off.

In 1980, there was an increase in activity in the United States. Mutilations have been reported less frequently since that year, though this may be due in part to an increased reluctance to report mutilations on the part of ranchers and farmers. The mutilations still continue. Over ten thousand animals have died in the United States; although the
mutilations have been occurring worldwide, the same circumstances are always present.

General Observations

Any investigation which intends to probe the systematic occurrence of the mutilation attacks upon livestock and other animals must include within its purview certain factors which may or may not be directly related to the acts of mutilation themselves. These
mutilations -- the killing and furtive removal of external or internal parts -- have been directed at literally thousands of animals (primarily livestock) since the 1960s. The surgery on these animals is primarily conducted with uncanny precision, suggesting the use of highly sophisticated implements and techniques. The numbing and persistent
regularity of the mutilations and the seemingly casual disposal of the useless carcasses all hint at extreme confidence -- even arrogance -- of the mutilators. It is an arrogance which appears to be justified by the freedom and impunity with which these acts have been carried out.

The pertinence of a specific element of the problem is shortly revealed in the course of any thorough investigation into the mutilations. I refer to the appearance of unmarked and otherwise unidentified helicopters within a spatial and temporal proximity of animal mutilation sites. The occurrence of the two has been persistent enough to supercede coincidence.

These mystery helicopters are almost always without identifying markings, or markings may appear to have been painted over or covered with something. The helicopters are frequently reported flying at abnormal, unsafe or illegal altitudes. They may shy away if
witnesses of law officers try to approach. There are several accounts of aggressive behavior on the part of the helicopter occupants, with witnesses chased, "buzzed," hovered over or even fired upon. At times
these choppers appear very near mutilation sites, even hovering over a pasture where a mutilated carcass is later found. They may be observed shortly before or after mutilations occur -- or within days of a mutilation. The intention here is merely to stress that the "mystery helicopter" element is a part of the issue which deserves scrutiny.

The idea of "mystery helicopters" did not develop concurrently with the animal mutilations themselves. Such helicopters -- unmarked, flying at low levels, soundless (or sounding like helicopters) -- have been reported for years, and have been linked to an even more widespread phenomenon -- the "phantom" (fixed wing) aircraft. The helicopters themselves have been seen in area where UFOs were reported, in many countries. In some of the more interesting accounts, the mystery helicopters were seen with UFOs, or shortly after the UFOs were sighted.

The most apt case I can think of, but certainly not the most isolated, is a case described by Virgil Armstrong in his lecture on "What NASA Didn't Tell Us About the Moon."He discusses helicopters and UFOs in general. Armstrong describes a friend of his that had invented a special camera arrangement with the idea that it would increase the chances of getting good pictures of UFOs. The camera was mounted on a gunstock along with a laser. The idea was to fire the laser at the UFO, if one appeared, and hopefully the UFO would come to a halt, enabling him
to take some quality pictures.

Not too long after they were set up in the desert, a UFO did in fact appear, and they fired the laser and the disk stopped in a hovering mode. They took quite a few good pictures of it. Shortly thereafter, the disk flew away. Within minutes, they heard the unmistakable sound of helicopters coming their way. The helicopters landed strategically around their group, and out of the choppers came a croup of Black Berets, which are strategic Air Force security forces. The commander of the Berets walked up to the group and said, "What are you doing here?" "Obviously, we are photographing flying objects, and we just saw a flying saucer and we got some very very good pictures of it." The commander then asked the leader of the group if he knew where he was. The group leader replied "No." The commander then said, "We suggest you get out of here right now!" The group leader then asked, "What right do you have to tell us to get out of here? Is this government land?" The commander of the Black Berets replied, "Indeed it is. It is Andrews Air Force Base, and if you are not out of here in ten minutes, you are under arrest." With that, the Berets removed the film from the camera,
and the group left. Not only does this illustrate one kind of instance where UFOs are seen in relationship to helicopters, but it also illustrates the fact that either some of the disks are ours, or we
have a military/government relationship with those who fly them. The helicopters   mentioned above are not the mystery ones, but were United States military ones.

Another case of military helicopters and United States-owned disks comes from the book "UFO Crash at Aztec," by Wendell Stevens. In the book he relates the incidentwhere an Indian was backpacking in the mountains in the vicinity of Area 51, Groom Lake, on the Nellis AFB range north of Las Vegas. He heard approaching helicopters
and hid out of sight. The helicopters were broadcasting a warning over public address systems for anyone in the area to show themselves because they were going to conduct a "dangerous military test." The Indian maintained his hidden posture, and the helicopters flew overhead and back down toward the Groom Lake facility. Minutes
later, two helicopters were seen flying up the canyon with a black disk flying between them and slightly above them. They flew overhead and then the helicopters turned around and flew back towards the base, followed shortly afterward by the disk. The individual's name and how to contact him for further details is given in the book.

The Mystery Choppers

Situations involving the mystery helicopters appear to be a little more insidious. A good example is an event which occurred in Madison County, Montana, between June and October of 1976. Twenty-two confirmed cattle mutilations had occurred during that period, and they were accompanied by reports throughout the county of silent,
unmarked, jet-black helicopters, flashing or steady anomalous lights in the air and near the ground, unmarked fixed- wing aircraft and white vans in remote and previously inaccessible areas.

Toward the latter part of this period, in early autumn of 1976, a hunter from Bozeman,Montana, was out alone around 3:00pm one day in the Red Mountain area near Norris. He watched as a black helicopter without markings flew overhead and disappeared below a small hill. The curious hunter climbed to the top of the hill. There was the black chopper (a Bell Jet Ranger, he thought) on the ground, the engine still
running. Seven men had apparently exited from the craft and were walking up the hill toward the observer. As the hunter advanced toward the seven, he waved and shouted congenial greetings. It was then that he realized there was something about the men --
they were all Oriental. They had slanted eyes and olive skin and were jabbering among themselves in some indecipherable language. They wore "everyday" clothes, not uniforms. Suddenly they began to return to the helicopter. The hunter, still waving and shouting friendly greetings, started after them. The Orientals quickened their pace.
When the hunter approached within five or six feet, they broke into a dead run,crowded into the chopper and took off.

In a documented "mystery helicopter" wave in England, accounts place
Oriental-appearing occupants in an unidentified chopper. Slant-eyed, olive skinned,Oriental-seeming occupants have been a staple at the heart and at the periphery of UFO accounts for years. Significant numbers of the infamous "men-in- black" (MIB)
have a similar appearance, but very often they are seen as very pale and gaunt men who are sensitive to light.

In STIGMATA No. 5 (Fall-Winter 1978) Tom Adams outlined the most prominent speculative explanations accounting for the mutilation/helicopter link, including the

The helicopters are themselves UFOs, disguised to
appear as terrestrial craft.

The choppers originate from within the U.S.
government/military and are directly involved in
conducting the actual mutilations.

The helicopters are government/military and are not
involved in the mutilations but are investigating them.

The helicopters are government/military, and they
know about the identity and motives of the
mutilators and by their presence, they are trying to
divert attention to the possibility of involvement
by the military.

The answer, as far as Tom Adams is concerned, could be a combination of the above
explanations. There also has been speculation that they are involved in biological
experiments with chemical or biological warfare or the geobotanical pursuit of
petroleum and mineral deposits. On one occasion, an army standard-type scalpel was
found at a mutilation site. Since the disks have been mostly involved with the
mutilations, it is thought that this was a diversionary event.

These events, or the discussion of them, is just the precursor to the actual revelations of
what is behind the mutilations: alien acquisition of biological materials for their own use.
To discuss this in a logical and sequential manner, we must review what has been really
happening right under our noses: direct interaction with extraterrestrial biological entities
(EBE's). To discuss that, however, we must attempt to start at the beginning with what
we now know to be true.

The Saga Begins

It seemingly all began thousands of years ago, but for the purposes of this discussion,let's start with some events that we all are familiar with. In 1947, two years after we set off the first nuclear explosion that our current civilization detonated, came the Mantell
episode, where we had the first recorded incident of a military confrontation with extraterrestrials that resulted in the death of a military pilot. It is quite evident now that our government did not known quite how to handle the situation. In 1952, the nation's
capital was overflown by a series of disks. It was this event which led to the involvement of United States security forces (CIA, NSA, DIA, FBI) to try to keep the situation under control until they could understand what was happening. During this period, the government established a working group, known as Majestic Twelve
(MJ-12). The original members were: Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, Dr. Vannevar Bush, Secretary James Forrestal, General Nathan P. Twining, General Hoyt S. Vandenburg, Dr. Detlev Bronk, Dr. Jerome Hunsaker, Mr. Sidney W. Souers, Mr.Gordon Gray, Dr. Donald Menzel, General Robert M. Montague, and Dr. Lloyd V.

The MJ-12 group has been a continuously existing group since it was created, with new members replacing others that die. For example, when Secretary Forrestal was upset at seeing the United States sold out in World War II, he wound up being sent to a Naval hospital for emotional strain. Before relatives could get to him, he "jumped out
a 16th story window." Most persons close to him consider his suicide contrived. When Forrestal died, he was replaced by General Walter B. Smith.In December of 1947, Project Sign was created to acquire as much information as possible about UFOs, their performance characteristics and their purposes. In order to preserve security, liaison between Project Sign and MJ-12 was limited to two individuals within the intelligence division of the Air Materiel Command whose role it
was to pass along certain types of information through channels. Project Sign evolved into Project Grudge in December, 1948. Project Grudge had an over civilian counterpart named Project Bluebook, with which we are all familiar. Only "safe" reports were passed to Bluebook. In 1949, MJ-12 evolved an initial plan of
contingency called MJ-1949-04P/78 that was to make allowance for public disclosure of some data should the necessity present itself.

Majestic Twelve was originally organized by General George C. Marshall in July, 1947, to study the Roswell-Magdalena UFO crash recovery and debris. Admiral Hillenkoetter, director of the CIA from May 1, 1947, until September, 1950, decided to activate the "Robertson Panel," which was designed to monitor civilian UFO study
groups that were appearing all over the country. He also joined NICAP in 1956 and was chosen as a member of its board of directors. It was from this position that he was able to act as the MJ-12 "mole," along with his team of other covert experts. They
were able to steer NICAP in any direction they wanted to go. With the "Flying Saucer Program" under complete control of MJ-12 and with the physical evidence hidden away, General Marshall felt more at ease with this very bizarre situation. These men and their successors have most successfully kept most of the public fooled for 39
years, including much of the western world, by setting up false experts and throwing their influence behind them to make their plan work, with considerable success. Until now.

Within six months of the Roswell crash on 2 July 1947 and the finding of another crashed UFO at San Augustine Flats near Magdalena, New Mexico, on 3 July 1947, a great deal of reorganization of agencies and shuffling of people took place. The main thrust behind the original "security lid," and the very reason for its construction, was the
analysis and attempted duplication of the technologies of the disks. That activity is headed up by the following groups:

The Research and Development Board (R&DB)

Air Force Research and Development (AFRD)

The Office of Naval Research (ONR)

CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence (CIA-OSI)

NSA Office Of Scientific Intelligence (NSA-OSI)

No single one of these groups was supposed to know the whole story. Each group was to know only the parts that MJ-12 allowed them to know. MJ-12 also operates through the various civilian intelligence and investigative groups. The CIA and the FBI are manipulated by MJ-12 to carry out their purposes. The NSA was created in the
first place to protect the secret of the recovered flying disks, and eventually got complete control over all communications intelligence.

This control allows the NSA to monitor any individual through mail, telephone, telexes, telegrams, and now through online computers, monitoring private and personal communications as they choose. In fact, the present-day NSA is the current main extension of MJ-12 pertaining to the "Flying Saucer Program." Vast amounts of
disinformation are spread throughout the UFO research field. Any witnesses to any aspect of the program have their lives monitored in every detail, for each has signed a security oath. For people who have worked in the program, including military members, breaking that oath could have any on of the following direct consequences:

A verbal warning accompanied by a review of the
security oath.

A stronger warning, sometimes accompanied by a brow-
beating and intimidation.

Psychologically working on an individual to bring on
depression that will lead to suicide.

Murder of the person made to appear as a suicide or

Strange and sudden accidents, always fatal.

Confinement in special "detention centers."

Confinement in "insane asylums" where they are
"treated" by mind-control and deprogramming
techniques. Individuals are released with changed
personalities, identities, and altered memories.

Bringing the individual into the "inside," where he is employed and works for "them," and where he can be watched. This is usually in closed facilities with little contact with
the outside world. Underground facilities are the usual place for this.
Any individual who they perceive to be "too close to the truth" will be treated in the same manner. MJ-12 will go to any length to preserve and protect the ultimate secret. As we will see later, the characteristics of what this ultimate secret would turn out to be would change drastically, for it was something even MJ- 12 could not predict -- actual contact with alien groups.

How the actual contact between the government and aliens was initially made is not known, but the government was made aware that it could be done by a civilian using the right equipment. Dr. Paul Bennewitz, civilian scientist, did so using computer equipment and informed the government he had done so, not realizing that by then, in
1983, that the government was in truth as deep into dealing with the aliens as his communications with them revealed. Dr. Bennewitz lives next to Manzano Weapons Storage Area in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He observed UFOs constantly over the area and initially decided that they were a threat to the installation. He proceeded to
figure out a coding system and attempted and was successful in communicating with the aliens that were flying over that area.

What he found out is that after initial contacts with the aliens years ago, we agreed to to provide them with bases underground in the United States in return for certain technological secrets which the aliens would reveal to us. The aliens would also be allowed to carry out certain operations, abductions, and mutilations without intervention.

The original contact between the government and the extraterrestrial biological entities, who are grey in color and about 3.5 to 4.5 feet high (hereafter referred to as the Greys), was achieved between 1947 and 1951. We knew that the Greys were instrumental in performing the mutilations of animals (and some humans) and that they were using the glandular substances derived from these materials for food (absorbed
through the skin) and to clone more Greys in their underground laboratories. The government was also aware that the Greys performed some of the abductions to secure genetic materials. The government insisted that the Greys provide them with a list that
would be presented to the National Security Council.
Through all this, the government thought that the Greys were basically tolerable creatures, although a bit distasteful. They presumed at the time that it was not unreasonable to assume that the public would and could get used to their presence. Between 1968 and 1969 a plan was formulated to make the public aware of their existence over the succeeding twenty years. This time period would culminate with a
series of documentaries that would explain the history and intentions of the Greys.The Greys assured us that the real purpose of the abductions was for monitoring of ourcivilization, and when we learned that the abductions were a lot more frequent and
insidious than we were led to believe, the government became concerned. Their concern was also based on additional information regarding the purposes for the abductions:

Insertion of a 3mm spherical biological monitoring
device through the nasal cavity into the brain of the

Implementing subliminal post-hypnotic suggestions
that would compel the abductee to perform some
specific act at a time to be within the next two
to five years.

Genetic crossbreeding between the Greys and human beings.

Insertion of discoid monitoring devices into the
muscle tissue of the abductees. Presence of these has
been verified by x-ray.

By the time we had found out the truth about the intentions of the Greys (they intend to stay here and stay in control of our world) it was too late. We had already "sold out" humanity. Not that it would have made any difference, because they were here doing what they were doing anyway.
In 1983, a story was outlined by government sources that said that the Greys are responsible for our biological evolution through manipulation of the DNA of already evolving primates on this planet. Various time intervals of the DNA manipulation were specified for 25,000, 15,000, 5,000, and 2,500 years ago. Originally, the government thought that the Greys meant us no harm, but today, in 1988, the picture that is
emerging is exactly the opposite. The story now is one of great deception at several different levels: the Greys Trojan Horse-style manipulation and lying which allied MJ-12 forces with them four decades ago; the government's disinformation of the subject of UFOs in order to perpetuate the agreement with the Greys free of public
scrutiny; the lies to the abductees; the Greys on-going abduction of people and mutilation of animals in order to harvest enzymes, blood and other tissues for their own survival needs; and a genetic blend of the Grey race and a tall Nordic race to enable Grey interface with humans to be done with greater ease.

Information from a source at a southwest Army base reveals that these multiple levels of deception are true. It is also indicated that the goal of SDI (Star Wars) is actually to follow through with an attack, proposed by the Greys, on the Nordics when they arrive en masse between now and 1992. This time schedule seems to match with the post-hypnotic programming of many abductees for actions between the next two to five years.

This same source sees the world dominated and controlled by the Greys in a way similar to that portrayed in the "V" television series -- they are concerned only for their own survival agenda, and this agenda requires biological substances from other life forms on our planet.

The apparent reasoning for the Grey preoccupation with this is due to their lack of a formal digestive tract and the fact that they absorb nutrients and excrete waste directly through the skin. The substances that they acquire are mixed with hydrogen peroxide and "painted" on their skin, allowing absorption of the required nutrients. It is construed
from this that some weaponry against them might be geared in this direction.

  The Krill Report
-- Part II





Observations by a Visiting Nordic

In October, 1987, UFO researcher George Andrews was successfully able to contact
one of the Nordics not associated with the Greys, through a woman in California. What
follows are the comments made by the alien:

"Were you a culture about to invade, you would not do it with a flourish
of ships showing up in the heavens and undergo risk of being fired upon.
That's the type of warfare slightly less evolved beings get into. You would
create intense confusion and disagreement with only inferences to your
presence -- inferences which would [in turn] cause controversial

"The Greys are insidious little fiends. They did exactly [to us] what they're
doing here [to you]. You are not on the verge of an invasion. You are not
in the middle of an invasion. The invasion has already taken place. It's
merely in its final stages.

"What would you invade? [Here he describes the operational plan of the
Greys from the beginning.] You would go to the most secret of
communities within a society. In the case of the United States, you would
go and infiltrate the CIA. You would take over some of them and you
would take over part of the KGB.

"You would create great dissension and disagreement between factions of
the public at large -- some groups saying they have seen UFOs, others
saying 'No, no, this is not possible.' You would involve two major
countries in an on-going idiotic philosophical disagreement so that while
the Soviet Union and the United States constantly battle back and forth
about who has which piece of territory or whether one invades Iran or
whether one invades Afghanistan or whatever... whether one dismantles
one nuclear warhead or the other dismantles another group of warheads
-- you would sit back and laugh if you had the capacity to laugh.

"You would present yourself indeed to some in a group who would
protect you [CIA or MJ-12] thinking they had a secret more secret and
more perfect knowledge of something than anyone else on this planet had,
and they would covet you and you would trust their own greed and you
would trust their own mass stupidity to trap them. And you'd do it on both

"You'd show yourself to some of the mass populace to further involve
[factions of] the government in an attempt to shut them up, to keep them
even more busy quieting them and trying to 'stop more information about
UFOs from getting out.' You'd have the mass populace to a state where
they distrusted the government. 'Oh, why don't they believe us? Why can't
they understand that these things are really happening? We're not crazy!'

"So you would have battles constantly about whether UFOs exist or they
don't exist. You would have the public and the government at each other's
throats. You would set two major superpowers at each other's throats.
And you would have set up groups like 'haves' -- the wealthy but
contented -- and the 'have- nots.' You would plant the seeds of massive

"Eventually you might have some show of ships landing in the 1990s. One
or two. By the time they have landed, be assured they will be in complete
control. You will start doing crossbreeds and more crossbreeds,
generation after generation.

"You bribe the government with a few tidbits -- a Star Wars system. You
tease and tempt the Soviet Union with a laser system far finer than any of
their own scientists could think of. And you always have that subtle
inference -- just on the borderline of consciousness so that UFOs don't
seem to believable, yet you keep it couched in secrecy and make it seem
quite so insane that no one would believe them. On top of it, you would
unleash forces that would want to kill them [UFO contactees] if they
disclosed that the CIA is dealing with the exact same things the [contact
victim] is.

"Maybe one or two hundred years from now, some of the Greys will even
physically mingle and you may have some creatures walking around who
are pretty much hybrids between Greys and your own race. For now,
anything that walks around will look much like yourselves. It's simpler. It
holds down on mass panic.

"Everyone who has experiences with them [Greys] will be at odds with
the government. To add to that, we will go into a complete phased of
earthquake after earthquake and upheaval after upheaval.

"The inner core of the CIA is deeply controlled by the Greys. The CIA
sees interaction with the Greys as a path to greater scientific achievement.

"One reason you are seeing so many different kinds of UFOs is that other
cultures are watching with extreme interest. Scientists from other cultures
arrive to watch. The Greys have not only taken over the intelligence
agencies, they have also taken over what those agencies call 'lunatic fringe

Well, that's what they Nordic had to say. The source of this also makes the following

"The ultimate evil is that masked form of psychological complacency that
leads one to adhere to a group philosophy rather than eke out one's own
horizons. As soon as you acquire an awareness of being a so-called
'chosen special group,' you are on the way to a fall. That is the seed of
destruction in any society and any culture and it leaves it vulnerable. It will
be the eventual undoing of the Greys as well. They see not their error -- it
is the very weakness they seize upon that is their own inherent weakness.
To try and change a Grey, or a cultish type of 'Star Person,' or a CIA
member is futile. It will happen, but all in its own good time... it is the spirit
that makes anyone stand up and disagree with something that is untrue
and incorrect that will be the thorn in the side of the Greys, and the other
forces that have allied with them."

During the occupation of the Greys, they have established quite a number of
underground bases all over the world, especially in the United States. One such base
(among others in the same state) is under Archuleta Mesa, which is about 2.5 miles
northwest of Dulce, New Mexico. Details about that base have come across by way of
two sources. The first source is by way of an abduction of a woman and her son who
witnessed the pickup of a calf for extraction of biological materials.

"In May, 1980, a most interesting case occurred in northern New
Mexico. A mother and her son were driving on a rural highway near
Cimarron when they observed two craft in the process of abducting a
calf. Both of them were then abducted and taken on separate craft to the
underground installation, where the woman witnessed the mutilation of the
calf. It was alleged that she also observed vats containing cattle body
parts floating in a liquid, and another vat containing the body of a male
human. The woman was subjected to an exam and it was further alleged
that small metallic objects were implanted into her body as well as into her
son's body. More than one source has informed us that catscans have
confirmed the presence of these implants."

The above extract is from a transcript of a conversation between Jim McCampbell and
Dr. Paul Bennewitz on July 13, 1984. Bennewitz reports that through regressive
hypnosis of the mother and child (required only in about 30% of abduction cases)and
his own follow-up investigation (including communications receive via his computer
terminal, which are ostensibly from a UFO-related source), he was able to determine
the location of the underground facility: a kilometer underground beneath Archuleta
Mesa on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation near Dulce, New Mexico (since
1976, one of the area of the U.S. hardest hit by mutilations). Bennewitz' information is
that this installation is operated jointly as part of an on-going program of cooperation
between the U.S. government and EBEs.

There are also underground bases at Kirtland AFB and Holloman AFB, as well as at
scores of other bases around the world, including Bentwaters, England.

Back to the base under discussion.... After Bennewitz briefed Air Force officials on
what he had found, a trip to the area revealed the following data:

The base is 2.5 miles northwest of Dulce, and almost overlooks the town.
There is a level highway 36 feet wide going into the area. It is a
government road. One can see telemetry trailers and buildings that are
five-sided with a dome. Net to the domes, a black limousine was noted --
a CIA vehicle. These limos will run you off the road if you try to get into
the area. To the north there is a launch site. There are two wrecked ships
there; they are 36 feet long with wings, and one can see oxygen and
hydrogen tanks. The ships that we got out of the trade are atomic-
powered with plutonium pellets. Refueling of the plutonium is
accomplished at Los Alamos. The base has been there since 1948.

Some of the disks are piloted by the NSA. The base is 4,000 feet long
and helicopters are going in and out of there all the time. When it became
known that Bennewitz was familiar with this, the mutilations in the area
stopped. In 1979, something happened and the base was temporarily
closed. There was an argument over weapons and our people were
chased out. The aliens killed 66 of our people, and 44 got away.

One of the people who in fact got away was a CIA agent who, before leaving, made
some notes, photos, and videotapes, and went into hiding. He has been in hiding ever
since, and every six months he contacts each of five people he left copies of the
material with. His instructions were that if he missed four successive contacts, the
people could do whatever they want with the material.

This agent calls an individual known to MUFON. Somehow, a description of the
"Dulce Papers" was issued, and was received in December, 1987, by many
researchers. The "Dulce Papers" were composed of 25 black and white photos, a
videotape with no dialogue and a set of papers that included technical information
regarding the jointly occupied (U.S.-Alien) facility one kilometer beneath the Archuleta
Mesa near Dulce, New Mexico. The facility still exists and is currently operational. It is
believed that there are four additional facilities of the same type, one being located a
few miles to the southeast of Groom Lake, Nevada.

"A general description of what these papers contain is that they contain documents that
discuss copper and molybdenum, and papers that discuss magnesium and potassium,
but mostly papers about copper. Sheets of paper with charts and strange diagrams.
Papers that discuss UV light and gamma rays. These papers tell what the aliens are
after and how the blood (taken from cattle) is used. The aliens seem to absorb atoms
to eat. They put their hands in blood, sort of like a sponge, for nourishment. It's not just
food they want; the DNA in cattle and humans is being altered. The 'Type One'
creature is a lab animal. They know how to change the atoms to create a temporary
'almost human being.' It is made with animal tissue and depends on a computer to
simulate memory, a memory the computer has withdrawn from another human. Clones.
The 'almost human being' is slow and clumsy. Real humans are used for training, to
experiment with and to breed with these 'almost humans.' Some humans are kidnapped
and used completely. Some are kept in large tubes, and are kept alive in an amber

"Some humans are brainwashed and used to distort the truth. Certain male humans
have a high sperm count and are kept alive. Their sperm is used to alter the DNA and
create a non-gender being called 'Type Two.' That sperm is grown in some way and
altered again, put in wombs. They resemble 'ugly humans' when growing but look
normal when fully grown, which only takes a few months from fetus-size.

"They have a short life span, less than a year. Some female humans are used for
breeding. Countless women have had a sudden miscarriage after about three months'
pregnancy. Some never know they were pregnant, others remember contact some
way. The fetus is used to mix the DNA in types one and two. The atomic makeup in
that fetus is half human, half 'almost human,' and would not survive in the mother's
womb. It is taken at three months and grown elsewhere."


Well, that's what the "Dulce Papers" review says. There are some pen and ink
reproductions of some of the photos made in the laboratories (3), an illustration of what
one of the wombs looks like (2' x 4'), an illustration showing one of the tubes where
one of the "almost humans" is grown, a page showing a simple diagram of crystalline
metal, pure gold crystal, and what looks like either a genetic or metallurgical diagram or
chart. Also attached is what looks like an x-ray diffraction pattern and a diagram of
hexagonal crystals, with a comment that they are best for electrical conduction.

It would appear that the last half of material in the "review" applies to the
supercrystalline metal used for hull structure, or something along that line.

Obviously, this is all rather bizarre from a certain point of view -- any point of view, in
fact. Nevertheless, material that is supported by years of descriptions and multitudes of
corroborations must mean something, especially when bumped against what is seen to
be going on.

It is apparent from this and other data that has been accumulated over the years, that
there are underground bases and tunnel complexes all over the world, and that more
are being constructed all the time. Many of you may recall the "Shaver" mysteries and
inner-earth city stories. Well, all that is true. There are cities down there, amongst other
things, and some of them have nothing to do with the main subject of this paper.
They've been there for a long time.

Let's change direction for a moment. One individual by the name of Lew Tery has been
working on some ideas regarding UFOs and geomagnetic anomalies. I will go into what
he has discovered (although the concept of the relationship is not new) and let you
judge that for yourself.

After purchasing aeromagnetic and gravitational anomaly maps from the United States
Geological Survey, it becomes evident that there was indeed a valid connection
between these areas and UFOs. Mr. Tery gave a lecture in Arizona about that
relationship, and was subsequently harassed by the FBI, and told that the information is
"sensitive." Mr. Tery took the hint and declined to talk publicly about it to the degree
that he had been doing.

Both the aeromagnetic and gravitational (Bougier Gravity) maps indicate basic field
strength, as well as areas of high and low field strength. Interestingly enough, the areas
of maximum and minimum field strength have the following:

All have frequent UFO sightings.

All are either on Indian Reservations, government
land, or the government is trying to buy up the land.

Many of them, especially where several are clustered
together, are suspected bases areas and/or areas
where mutilations and abductions have historically
taken place.

In these observations, Mr. Tery has gone far, but he has gone a little farther in noting
that there are times when the UFOs are seen in these areas. Through painstaking
research, Mr. Tery found that the sightings, as well as many abductions and mutilations,

On the new moon or within two days before the new moon.

On the full moon or within two days before the full moon.

At the perihelion (moon closest to earth) or within two days before
the perihelion.

A glance at the nearest farmers' almanac will give you the information you require as far
as the days for this year or any other one. There seems to be no concrete explanation
for the coincidence of the times and the events, but it is true.


The Krill Report
-- Part III




The Men in Black

All things considered, UFO research has become pretty much of a circus today, and
the most intriguing and controversial sideshow skirting the edges is the question of the
"silencers," or the mysterious "Men in Black." There is a strong subliminal appeal in
these accounts of visits by mysterious dark-suited figures (I have been visited myself, as
have others I've known) attempting to silence UFO witnesses. A typical situation would
be that a witness has a UFO sighting or UFO-related experience. Shortly thereafter he
is visited by one or more "odd"-looking men who relate to him the minutest details of
his experience, even though he has as yet told no one for fear of ridicule or other

The men warn him about spreading the story of his experience around and sometimes
even threaten him personally, sometimes obliquely, sometimes directly. Any evidence, if
it exists, is confiscated in one way or another. Sometimes the visit is for some totally
meaningless reason and the subject of UFOs is hardly mentioned, if at all. But again,
the men all seem to look alike.

We actually seem to find ourselves in close proximity to beings who obviously must be
directly connected in some way with the objects themselves or the source behind them,
yet they seem to be functioning unobtrusively within the framework of our own
everyday existence.

The classic conception of an MIB is a man of indefinite age, medium height and
dressed completely in black. He always has a black hat and often a black turtleneck
sweater. They present an appearance often described as "strange" or "odd." They
speak in a dull monotone voice, "like a computer," and are dark-complected with high
cheekbones, thin lips, pointed chin, and eyes that are mildly slanted.

The visitors themselves are often on absurd missions. They have reportedly posed as
salesmen, telephone repairmen or representatives from official or unofficial
organizations. Their mode of transportation is usually large and expensive cars --
Buicks or Lincolns, sometimes Cadillacs, all black, of course.

I might note at this point that their physical appearance also has included beings that
have pale-greyish skin, and that some of them have been seen to have blond hair, yet
they wear the clothing and drive the cars previously described.

Their cars often operate with the headlights off, but ghostly purple or greenish glows
illuminate the interior. Unusual insignia have been seen emblazoned on the doors and
the license plates are always unidentifiable or untraceable.

The fabric of their clothes has been described as strangely "shiny" or thin, but not silky
-- almost as if they have been cut from a new type of fabric.

Their often mechanical behavior has caused them to be described by some as being
like robots or androids (think back to the Dulce lab).

A lot of descriptions of some of these "folks" are pretty bizarre. A businessman's family
in Wildwood, New Jersey, was visited by an unusually large man whose pants legs
hiked up when he sat down, revealing a green wire grafted onto his skin and running up
his leg.

There are other cases of MIB appearing on the other side of a wet, muddy field after a
heavy rain, but having no mud whatever on their brightly shined shoes and in the bitter
cold, out of nowhere, wearing only a thin coat. Their shoes and wallets all seem new
and hardly broken in.

They are not alone. They seem to have faceless conspirators in the nation's post offices
and phone companies. Researchers and witnesses often report their mail going astray at
an unusually high rate and being bothered by bizarre phone calls where they are spoken
to by metallic, unhuman-sounding voices.

Unusual noises on the phone, intensifying whenever UFOs are mentioned, and voices
breaking in on conversations, have all led many people to suspect that their phones are
being tapped.

One can't discuss the MIB for long without mentioning the name of John A. Keel, an
author who has written much about them. Keel has done more than any other writer to
publicize this bizarre aspect of the UFO situation. Keel suggests that the UFO are part
of the environment itself and come from another time-space continua; that most of the
UFO phenomena is psychic and psychological rather than physical. Well, I personally
would not define it that way, although those two components are certainly deeply
involved in what's going on.

The first noted appearance of the MIB was in 1947, at the scene of the Maury Island
incident, where some debris was ejected from a disk, and subsequently recovered by
officials, who loaded them on an Army bomber which crashed on takeoff.

To illustrate a little how bizarre some of the incidents are regarding the MIB, I have
assembled a short list of some of the more interesting factors in some cases:

An ex-Air Force man is gassed and interrogated by MIB
after he has learned classified NASA secrets.

Closeup photos of UFOs were seized from a teenager
who is also directly threatened by MIB.

MIB sighted in the lobby of the U.S. State Department
leave a mysterious artifact.

MIB pose as Air Force officers to silence witnesses.

MIB tries to buy before-hours Coke and sings to birds
in trees.

MIB disintegrates a coin in a witness' hand and tells
him that his heart will do the same if he talks.

Throughout all this information, I have neglected to mention some aspects of the
psychology of the Greys. Dr. Paul Bennewitz, in his original report to the government
entitled "Project Beta," goes into some detail, which I will now discuss:

The alien, either through evolvement or because the
humanoid types are "made," will exhibit tendencies
for bad logic. They appear to have more frailties
and weaknesses than the normal Homo Sapien.

They are not to be trusted.

Because of the aliens' apparent logic system, a key
decision cannot be made without higher clearance.
All are under control of what they call "The Keeper,"
yet it would appear that even this is not the final
authority. Delays as long as 12-15 hours can occur
for a decision.

Because of this apparent control, individual
instantaneous decision-making by the alien is
limited. If the "plan" goes even slightly out of
balance or context, they become confused. Faced with
this, possibly, the humanoids would be the first to

Psychologically their morale is near disintegration.
There is pronounced dissension in the ranks -- even
with the humanoids.

Because of their own internal vulnerability mind-wise
to each other, there is a basic lack of trust between

They appear to be totally death-oriented, and because
of this, absolutely death-fear oriented. This is a
psychological advantage.

The prime, and weakest area discovered, probed and
tested is exactly what they have used, thinking it
their key strength -- that being the manipulation of
and control of the mind. Manipulated in reverse
psychology they face a situation where they have a
vulnerable, integrated weakness.

They totally respect force.

Grey Physiology and Anatomy

The approximate height of most specimens is between 3.5 and 4.5 feet. The head, by
human standards, is large in comparison with the body. Facial features show a pair of
eyes described as large, sunken or deeply set, far apart or distended more than the
human, and slightly slanted as Oriental or Mongoloid. No ear lobes or apertures on the
side of the head were seen. The nose is vague. One or tow holes have been mentioned.
The mouth area is described as a small slit or fissure. In some cases there is no mouth
at all. It appears not to function as a means for communication or for food. The neck
area is described as being thin, in some instances not being visible at all because of the
tightly-knit garment. Most observers describe these humanoids as being hairless. Some
of the bodies recovered have a slight hair-patch atop the head. Others have what
appears to be like a silver skullcap. There were no breathing attachments or
communications devices. This suggests telepathy with higher intelligence. In one
instance there was an opening in the right frontal lobe area, revealing a crystalline
network. This network implies the development of a third brain.

The arms are described as long and thin, reaching down to the knee section. The
hangers each contain four fingers, with no thumbs. Three fingers are longer than the
other. Some are very long. Some are very long. Others are very short. No description
is available of the legs and feet. Some pathologists indicate that that section of the body
was not developed as we would anticipate, showing that some of these beings were
adapted to life in the water. There was a webbing effect between the fingers on most of
the specimens.

According to most observers, the skin is grey. Some claim it is beige, tan or
pinkish-grey. No reproductive organs or capabilities were discovered. No phallus. No
womb. Confirms cloning mentioned by other sources. The humanoids appear to be
from a mold, sharing identical racial and biological characteristics. There is no blood as
we know it, but there is a fluid which is greyish in color.

The "Taxonomy of Extra-Terrestrial Humanoids," another offering by George
Andrews, yields some other observations:

Working under the instructions of the humanoids
from Rigel (the Greys), CIA and former Nazi
scientists have developed and deployed malignant
strains of bacteria and viruses, including AIDS, in
order to exterminate undesirable elements of the
human population.

The Greys are almost entirely devoid of emotions,
but can obtain a "high" by telepathically tuning in
the different kinds of intense human emotion, such
as ecstasy or agony. (Does that explain why UFOs
have always been seen in regions of war and human

There are over 1,000 humans in the United States
alone who are the offspring of intergalactic or
extragalactic beings and terrestrial humans. (The
son of an acquaintance of [deleted in original]
is one.)

Throughout recorded history, as well as during
prehistoric times, there has been constant genetic
manipulation of and interbreeding with humans in
order to breed out the less evolved simian traits.
The Nordic races have participated in this from the
beginning, and we are as much a part of them as we
might suppose.

Greys have the ability to camouflage themselves as
tall Blonds through mental energy projection. Blonds
never project themselves as Greys. Some Blonds seen
with the Greys are physically real, but are
prisoners of the Greys who have either paralyzed
them or have destroyed their ability to teleport
through time and other dimensions. Note: A lot of
the material obtained by George Andrews has as its
source a Blond that is a time traveler that escaped
the Grey takeover of their system.

Both Blonds and Greys have the ability to
disintegrate matter into energy and then
reintegrate the energy back into matter. This
ability allows them to pass through walls and to
transport abductees out of their cars with the
doors still locked.

The original Rigelians were the Blonds until they
were invaded by the Greys, a parasitic race, who
took over and interbred with them. The original
Rigelians were the ones who seeded the earth. It
is because of this common ancestry that terrestrial
humanity is of such interest to both the Blonds and
the Greys.

Terrestrial human females can be impregnated either
on board ship or while they sleep in their homes.
Males need not be manifested in visible form for
this to occur.

The Blonds now habitate the Procyon system. The
conflict between the Blonds and the Greys is in a
state of temporary truce, although the conflict
between the Rigelian and the Sirius system is being
fought actively.

The Blonds with speech abilities will respond
violently if attacked or threatened, but the
telepathic ones will respond peacefully.

Blonds were sometimes mistaken for angels in
earlier centuries. They do not seem to age, and
consistently appear to be from 27 to 35 human years

Confused? Well, now you can see why the natural diversity of the way things are are
hard to sort out for the average researcher. The probability that this information is true
or partially true remains fairly high, based on analysis of what we know about
abductions and general contact between humans and EBEs that has been documented.

Real Esoterica -- Sirius and the MIB

Let's regress for a moment back to the MIB. According to John Keel, the MIB often
state that they are representatives of the "Nation of the Third Eye."

Based on some of the info we have already researched, it is apparent that Sirius has
been in contact with us for a long time. According to George Hunt Williamson (one of
the early contactees) in his book "Other Tongues, Other Flesh," the earth allies of
Sirius, i.e., the secret societies, use the Eye of Horus as an insignia. This symbol has
also been seen on the MIB. Secret societies believe that there is a Great White Lodge
on earth. They call it Shamballa -- and consider it to be the spiritual center of the
world. Now, theosophists such as Alice Bailey say that the Great White Lodge is on
Sirius. If the All-Seeing-Eye is a symbol of Sirius' earth-allies and the MIB wear that
symbol, and if Shamballa represents the Great White Lodge on earth -- then the MIB
are emissaries of Shamballa. Sirius and Shamballa are two sides of the same coin. This
is verified in the book "The Undiscovered Country," by Stephen Jenkins. Jenkins
was told by Buddhist priests that Shamballa was located in the constellation of Orion.

The entrance to Shamballa on earth is usually placed in the trans-Himalayan region.
Some assert it is in the heart of the Gobi Desert (where there have been allegations of
crashed disks and bases). According to the explorer Nicholas Roerich, there are caves
in the Himalayan foothills that have subterranean passages. In one of the these
passages, there is a stone door that has never been opened, because the time for its
opening has not yet arrived. In 1930, Doreal founded the Brotherhood of the White
Temple. He says that the entrance to Shamballa is far underground. he goes on to say
that space bends around Shamballa, and that there is a warp which leads into another

Let's get back to something we can have more of a direct handle on. Many times
psychics have been called upon by investigative authorities to evaluate situations, and in
many cases what they have contributed has been very helpful.

This was done in the case of animal mutilations back in 1980 by Peter Jordan, who
engaged several psychics to render their impressions from photos and maps of
mutilations and mutilation areas. What follows is a condensation of what was found
during this exercise.

Name of Psychic: Ronald Mangravite

This animal has been dead a few days.

Some parts are decaying faster than others.

There is an overload of electrolytes in the body
possibly due to injection of a citrate.

Something wrong with blood. Picking up higher
portion of plasma which may be lymphatic fluid.

Two men working on the animal. Very sharp surgical

Men dressed in black. Jumpsuits. Shiny black nylon.

Winch line coming down from chopper.

Men are skilled ex-military.

Something is going to be done with the tissue.

Flurometry connection. Spectrophotometers.

Choppers are brown or grey.

Underground implications.

Experimentation with different analytical techniques.

Name of Psychic: Elisabeth Lerner

Paramilitary forces.
A serious invasion of American privacy.
Non-American Indians part of secret project.
The word "Annide."
The word "Carmine" or "Karmine."
The symbol "dk."
A new wave of mutilations will strike near southwest
New Mexico.
The Hobart Company is involved in this.
(Refrigeration equipment?)
Three huge, doughnut-shaped objects will be seen in
conjunction with these new mutilations.
Breakthrough in research.
Muscle relaxant injections.
Someone with the name "Empeda."
This is a Mexican operation.
Names "Kielman" and "Kelman."
Institution with many Lincoln Continentals and
Laboratory underground.
Lilly Pharmaceuticals.
Roman numerals IVIII [sic].
Name "Stephano."
The number "1714."
Last name "Audler."
First name "Mase."
Last name "Audli."
Jet rocket labs nearby.
Domes above the ground.
Vehicle ID # MP 1936. Small jeeps.
Last name "Plento."
Initials "C.B.P." heads operation. Wears brown
military shoes. Army.
Number "1161."
Around an oil field.
Place where oil crosses in an "X" pattern.
Chemical engineering connections.
Periscope device on bottom of craft. Chopper called
"The Shark."
Man with blond hair. English features. High forehead.
Wears square ring. Insignia reads "C.B.P." Has
something to do with ammunition. Colonel.

Name of Psychic: Nancy Fuchs

Dusk scene. Men talking about some animal's throat.
Something missing.
Cylindrical object.
Long thick object inserted into jugular vein.
Powerful energy flow emanating from device used to
kill cattle.
Feeling of tremendous anger and hostility.
Research implication. Minerals needed for research.
Intimidation of rancher Gomez.
Thousands of samples needed for this breeding effect.
Animal dies in seconds.
Jolts of electricity through animal.
Breeding and genetics involved.
Army background.
Liquid-filled shoes leave no prints.
Marshall. Army. Cap with black rim and gold braid.
Pompous. White-haired. Very influential. Walks into
Pentagon whenever he pleases. Commission given 15-18
years ago for mutilation project when he was
overseas. Grand Marshall. Friend of General
MacArthur. Lives in Dakotas. Money invested. High-
priority issue. Tall. Heavyset. Only 17 people know
of this.
Project with $2.5 million allocated early in game for
breeding experimentation. Late 1960s through
Pentagon. More and more money invested every year.
Land wanted. Want to destroy ranchers prime source
of income.
John Mitchell connected to this.
Howard Hughes.
Uranium connection.
Picture complex. Faction-ridden.
Interest in speeding up growth of cattle.
Importance of pancreas.

Well, there you have that little presentation. I don't know what exactly to make of it,
but there it is. Certainly a non-UFO implication here, however, it only relates to
THREE mutilations. How about the other 10,000 -- most of which have the UFO
connection? What did I tell you about a multi-level reality?

At this point, I will put some references and excerpts from some volumes that I believe
are relevant to all the things we've been talking about. Where I feel it is applicable, I
will comment on them.

"The Goblin Universe"

(p222) The ability to materialize mental constructs is not unknown. Suppose one
creates a field with the mind that is strong enough to attract supercharged particles. The
particles are real but unstable in their assemblage since the stability depends on the
intermediate mental component.

(p223) Physical aspect of UFOs and other phenomena lie in the behavior of
electromagnetic fields.

(p124) If all UFO incidents were chance encounters, someone would have obtained a
filmed record or a series of stills years ago. The only way that such episodes can be
engineered so that they remain total mysteries is for the entities to have advance
knowledge of any situation before it occurs.

(p117, referencing John Keel) These entities labor to cultivate belief in various
frames of reference, and then they create new manifestation which support those

(p120) Illness is common after close contact with some beings.

(p122) Guy Underwood classified primary geomagnetic currents into three classes:
water lines, aquastats, and track lines. Some magnetic signals appear as spirals, others
are linear. Gnats and flies congregate above magnetic patterns.

"Extra-Terrestrials Among Us"

(p2-3)On several occasions after UFOs flew over missile sites, it was found that the
targeting of the missiles had changed, and the warheads had to be replaced.

(p3) On 22 June 1980 a UFO that was 10 miles in diameter was reported over the
Kuwait oil fields.

(p4) On July 30, 1985, a UFO over Mongolia that was 10 km in diameter was
reported heading south. It was sighted by a Chinese jet and reported in the "Japan
Times." The Unites States ignored this report.

(p8) JANAP-146 specifies up to 10 years in prison and $10,000 in fines for anyone in
government service who makes unauthorized public statements about UFO
phenomena. The British Official Secrets Act makes similar provisions.

(p9) Many routes of UFOs take the form of an isosceles triangle.

(p16) On September 14, 1978, a UFO as big as an ocean liner flew over Italy, and
over Rome on the 15th and 16th.

Comment: This was two weeks before Pope John Paul I was found dead under
suspicious circumstances. He was killed between September 28-29. Autopsy was
refused. It was rumored he intended to reveal the Fatima message of 1917.

(p 20) UFOs dart around in daylight at speeds which cannot be seen.

(p22) An individual having one CE experience usually has another.

(p24) There is no basis to support psychiatric pathology for UFO witnesses.

(p24) Dr. Brian T. Clifford (Pentagon) announces on October 5, 1982, that contact
between U.S. citizens and extraterrestrials on their vehicles is illegal. Title 14, Section
1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations (adopted July 16, 1969, before the first
manned lunar landing) says that anyone guilty of this becomes a wanted criminal to be
jailed for one year and fined $5,000. The NASA administrator is empowered to
determine WITH OR WITHOUT A HEARING that a person has been "ET-exposed"
and impose INDETERMINATE quarantine under armed guard, which cannot be
broken even by court order.

(p89) Mars has a history of transient phenomena.

(p90) Temporary brilliant spots on Mars were reported by astronomers in 1890, 1892,
1900, 1911, 1924, 1937, 1952, 1954, 1967, and 1971. The distribution was
non-random. Intensely dark spots, transient in nature, were reported on Mars in 1925,
1952, and 1954.

(p93) About 33% of abductees are able to remember the experiences without hypnotic
regression. 66% of the abductees were alone when abducted.

(p94) Some abductees did not return but vanished permanently or were found dead
after a UFO encounter.

(p25) Records of the 687 B.C. battle between the Assyrians and the Hebrews indicate
that "a blast from heaven" reduced the bodies of 185,000 Assyrians to ashes but left
their clothes intact.

(p145) Morris K. Jessup died under mysterious circumstances after a copy of his book
"Case for the UFO" was sent to the Chief of the Office of Naval Research (ONR) in

(p146 -- comments from "Case for the UFO"):

Falls from the sky of flesh, blood, reptiles, etc.,
were due to either spoiled food or cleaning of
holding tanks.

Comments describe TWO different space races who share
the planet with us without our knowledge. They are
not visitors -- they have been here longer than we
have. They feel more at ease in the ocean.

The little men were almost wiped out by a serpent
race identified only as the "S-men." S-men are
ravenous for red meat, extremely materialistic, and
are greedy for power. Comment: Sounds like the Deros
of Shavarian fame.

(p147) Thanks to Allen Dulles in partnership with Reinhard Gehlen, the Gestapo was
transplanted intact into the United States system as the CIA, without the knowledge or
consent of American citizens. Comment: Remember Reagan placing wreaths on graves
of SS stormtroopers at the 40th anniversary of WWII? Roots of that symbolic gesture
go deep.

(p147) Reference the Intelligence Identity Protection Act of 1981: Freedom to speak
about anything but the CIA. Some claim that concentration camps have already been
built. Activation was sealed by Executive Order Rex 84. The next REX exercise in in

(p148) Jessup: "I believe that space structures of 5-10 miles in diameter are sufficiently
large to produce intelligently directed storms."

(p150) Alleged alien comment in annotated edition of "Case for the UFO": "Men frozen
helpless make good prey."

(p151) Dr. James E. McDonald thought that the Federal Power Commission was
evading the evidence concerning UFO involvement in the total power failure that
paralyzed New York on July 13, 1965, and dared to say so in front of a Congressional

(p152) On June 13, 1971, James E. McDonald was found dead under mysterious
circumstances, shot through the head with a pistol by his side.

(p153) Murder disguised as suicide is one of the well-known specialties of the CIA.

(p153) There is ample documentation suggesting that among the highest-priority covert
operations of the CIA are those supplying heroin to the Mafia. The "war on drugs" is in
fact a war on the independent drug dealer who constitutes a threat to the Mafia
monopoly. Comment: Additional ways to subdue the population or eliminate

(p156) Karen Silkwood's murder disguised as auto accident.

(p159) George Adamski, contactee in the 1950s had a special government passport.
Possible CIA disinformation agent.

(p162) Although mutilations were reported in England as early as 1904-1905, ("Winter
of Weirdness"), the large-scale operations there began in 1973.

(p163) A rancher and his sons saw a UFO as big as a hotel which was accompanied
by four smaller ones. Rectangular in shape, 300-400 feet long, and 60 feet high. A
helicopter approached it and turned into a small UFO.

(p163) Phantom cars appear on roads, follow people, and disappear.

(p163) A rancher and his wife looked at a UFO 5/8 of a mile away and reported that
two appendages emerged from the egg-shaped object.

(p164) Apparently UFOs have the capability of invisibility.

(p164) Materialization of a Bigfoot before a witness.

(p164) Dematerialization of Bigfoot before witness who shot it with a 16-gauge
shotgun at point-blank range into its stomach.

(p166) On August 21, 1975, a sheriff was chasing an unmarked helicopter in his plane
in southwestern Nebraska at 0430 when the lights on the helicopter went out, and the
only thing seem on the ground was a missile silo.

(p166) About the time mutilations began in earnest (1973 wave), a new branch of
science was beginning to develop -- biogeochemistry -- analysis of mineral and oil
deposits by analysis of tissues of herbivorous animals.

(p168) An elderly lady in Arkansas in 1979 injured herself and was cut during a fall.
The injuries were repaired by two aliens, who gave her a piece of metal with pyramids
and six- pointed stars on it. The aliens told her they "consumed juice," but not the kind
consumed by humans. Six weeks later, she was out looking for her dog and spotted a
horse lying on its side, unconscious.

Two men in white, dressed like surgeons, were at work on the horse. There were two
Air Force helicopters parked in the clearing, two men in Air Force uniforms, and the
same two aliens who had helped her after her fall. The lady was spotted by the group
and she was overtaken by a helicopter which flashed a blue light on her which burned
her clothing. Help arrived as the helicopter retreated, and she was brought to the local
hospital. People having nothing to do with the hospital staff began turning up to question
her. After release she was harassed at all hours by strangers who insisted on
questioning her, repeating the same questions over and over again. The couple moved
to a different state, only to have it start all over again. MUFON began investigating this
case, but as of 1986 had not yet made public its conclusions. Research into the case
began in 1980.

(p171) Tissue samples taken from a carcass revealed the presence of chlorpromazine,
a tranquilizer.

(p171 comment by Gabe Valdez) "Whoever is doing these mutilations are highly
organized and have a lot of resources."

(p172) The theory of biogeochemical basis for the mutilations fails to account for the
fact that mutilations are worldwide.

(p174) When FBI agent Rommel was given $50K to investigate the mutilations in one
district in New Mexico, all mutilations in that district stopped during the year.

(p177) The Condon Report, Rommel Report, and the Warren Report all have a

(p177) The human tendency to avoid facing unpleasant facts may allow parasitic
entities to "farm us."

(p178) A seven-year-old heifer was found whose unborn calf had been removed with
breaking the placental bag.

(p181) U.S. Senate lied to by Pentagon in 1968 during Senate hearings on UFOs.

(p200) In an anonymous letter to a Denver paper on April 8, 1983, it was told that the
mutilations are being done by a secret government group called Delta. Animal parts are
used to test effects of germ warfare and poison (cyanide and dioxin) they are testing on
civilians in America. Testing is associated with black helicopters. Helicopters are also
used to ferry heroin and cocaine. Delta bases said to be all underground on Indian
Reservations. HQ for operations and where a lot of choppers are based in 28 miles
east of Albuquerque on I-40, then 14 miles north on a dirt road into the Laguna Indian
Reservation. Comment: Disinformation attempt?

(p204, UPI story, February 2, 1984) Dr. James Womack at Texas A&M University
announced his discovery that humans share "perfect match" chromosomes with cattle.
The perfect match is with portions of the 21st chromosome pair, a strand known to
carry characteristics of Mongolism or Down's Syndrome, associated with mental
retardation. Dr. Womack says, "We must have more in common than previously

(p205, 1984 letter) A recent arrival on the nutritional scene is protomorphogens, or
glandulars -- ground up glands of cattle. If one takes these for a year you get "hooked"
on them. Your own glands stop producing hormones.

Many EBEs have no alimentary canals and no glands.

In some cancer clinics, these glandulars are used to treat cancer victims, and so are
glands from human fetuses.

(p206) What is happening with the mutilations would make sense in human terms if the
location on which the cattle grazed was important, or the parts taken could be used
geobiologically (which they aren't).

(p208) UFOs are: Extraterrestrial, ultraterrestrial, interdimensional, and time travelers.

(p208) Some UFOs behave as if the UFO itself was a living organism. Comment:
Refer to Trevor James Constable's book "Sky Creatures," for a discussion of
biological aeroforms, of "Flying Saucers at Etibi-Raa," by Wendell Stevens for a
discussion of just that subject.

(p208) Entities with cyborg-like traits, having both mechanical and biological features,
turn up quite frequently in reports.

(p208) It is odd that among the viruses there are some that look like UFOs, like T.
Bacteriophage. Do some UFO have the ability to operate in the micro-dimension of
viruses? Comment: In the discipline of Yoga is noted the ability to become large or

(p209) Anyone with more access to even one more dimension than we have access to
could evade our most carefully planned investigations indefinitely.

(p210) Modern brain capacity: 1300cc
. . . . . Cro-magnon man: 1400cc
. . . . . Baskop man (megroid [sic] race): 1800cc

The last two appeared quite suddenly.

(p210) Theory of Max H. Flindt attributes paradoxically rapid development of the
human brain to interbreeding between primitive humanity and ETs.

According to Flindt, schizophrenia is caused by subconscious racial memory of the ET
branch of the family tree, longing for home. Considerable differences between glandular
and nervous systems between primitive humans and ETs would provide a basis for
traumatic tension associated with regressed memory.

(p210) Our civilization has forgotten the existence of other intelligent beings in the

(p211) The idea that Homo Sapiens is unique is becoming no longer tenable.

The Krill Report
-- Part IV




Well, as if this weren't enough, let's examine the basic allegations that were raised by
Gary Stollman when he held an empty BB gun to David Horowitz on KNBC Channel
4, Los Angeles, in October, 1987. Gary clearly though that he was alone in his
knowledge, and evidently turned to desperation to have the public become aware of
what he knew. For the sake of brevity, I will simply summarize the allegations, and
make comments where I wish to do so:

His physical father is in fact a clone created by
the CIA and alien forces.

Cloning is a part of a plot to overthrow the U.S

The CIA maintains mental-retraining hospitals.

Phones were turned off at Rohlman Psychiatric
Hospital in Cincinnati for 48 hours after his

A former CIA official had an interview on KPFK radio
in which he told a college audience that the CIA has
towed barges across New York Harbor that were

The CIA may have created the AIDS virus to wipe out
the gay population. Comment: Hmmm, where have we
heard THAT before?

The CIA assassinated John F. Kennedy and the 22
material witnesses who died with two years. Comment:
Hmmmm, I have heard that as well.

He demands that the Air Force release all
information on UFOs.

He demands that the information about Hanger 18 at
Wright-Patterson [AFB] be released.

He relates that he spoke to a girl at Florida Junior
College who told him that seven of her friends had
been "replaced."

The CIA doesn't trust people on computers.

Individuals at the Optimist Boys School in Pasadena
were recruited by others and given false IDs and
birth certificates.

There is a secret group led by the President's own

There are beings around with the power to teleport
instantly and do the same to others; who can read
and control minds, and transform matter into other
forms and create it at will.

He asks for a congressional investigation and
federal protection.

He states that he cannot harm anyone with an empty
BB gun.

Well, what do you think? [Name deleted in original, replaced with the word
"MUFON"] contacted Mr. Stollman's lawyer in December, 1987, and told him that
some of what Gary had said may be true. His lawyer promptly made himself scarce.

For some of you who keep an eye on the news, the President (Reagan) has said some
mighty interesting things in some speeches of his:

To the students of Fallston High School in Fallston, Maryland, on December 4, 1985,
he said:

"I couldn't but -- one point in our discussions with General Secretary
Gorbachev -- when you stop to think that we're all God's children,
wherever we may live in the world, I couldn't help but say to him, just
think how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held
if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from
another planet outside in the universe. We'd forget all the little local
differences that we have between our countries and we would find out
once and for all that we really are all human beings on this earth together.

"Well, I don't suppose we can wait for some alien race to come down
and threaten us...."

To the 42nd General Assembly of the United Nations, September 21, 1987:

"In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how
much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside
universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally
think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were
facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an
alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal
aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?"

Comment: Apparently Mr. Reagan doesn't realize that war is NOT alien to the
aspirations of peace -- it's always been here.

Does Mr. Reagan know something that we know but the general public doesn't know
about what is happening and what will happen within the next five years?

General Types of Entities

The Greys are known to be of three types:

Grey 1: 3.5 feet tall. Large head. Large slanted eyes. Worship
Technology and don't care about us. Type popularized in
"Communion" by Strieber.

Grey 2: Same general appearance, although has a different
finger arrangement and a slightly different face.
More sophisticated than Grey 1. They possess a degree
of common sense and are somewhat passive. It is not
known if they require the secretions needed by Grey 1.

Grey 3: Same basic type. Lips thinner. Subservient to other
two types.

Other entities known to frequent this planet:

Blonds/Swedes/Nordics: Known by any of these names. Similar to
us. Blond hair, blue eyes. Will not break law of non-
interference to help us. Would only intervene if the
Greys' activity would affect other parts of the universe.

Interdimensional: Entities that can assume a variety of shapes.
Basically of a peaceful nature.

Short Humanoids: 1.5 to 2.5 feet tall, skin bluish in color.
Seen quite frequently in Mexico near Chihuahua.

Hairy Dwarfs: 4 feet tall. Weigh about 35 pounds. Hairy.
Neutral. Respect intelligent life.

Very Tall Race: Look like us but 7-8 feet tall. United with
the Swedes.

Nordic Clones: Appear similar to us but with grey tinge to their
skin. These are drones created by the Greys. Child-like mentality.

Men-In-Black (MIB): Oriental or olive-skinned. Eyes sensitive to
light. Eyes have vertical pupils. Very pale skin in
some types. Do not conform easily to our social
patterns. Usually wear black clothes, drive black cars,
and wear sunglasses. In groups they all dress alike.
Sometimes time-disoriented. they cannot handle a
psychological "curve-ball" or interruption to their
plan. Often intimidate UFO witnesses and impersonate
government officials. Equivalent of our CIA. From
another galaxy.

Although there are some 40 or more known types of aliens visiting our world at the
present time, these are the most commonly seen types.

Extract of information from:
"UFO Contact from Undersea,"

Section 1: Regression session, Filiberto Cardenas (subject)

Event date: 3 January 1979 UFO CEIII
During the regression session(s) the following
information came forth:

1. Subject was taken to one of three pyramid bases. Two pyramid bases
are under ocean, one on land. Subject was taken to base between Berin
and Santiago of the coast of Chile. Other underwater base is in the
Atlantic in an unspecified location. The base was entered through an
underwater tunnel. The aliens stated that they had been there 36 months
at that time.

2. Aliens told the subject that there were six (6) other individuals whom
the aliens had contacted.

3. Subject stated that the aliens voiced that they were eventually going to
make themselves known to the world.

4. Aliens stated that they control the Chinese, and they have provided the
Chinese with a device that can "paralyze cities and towns completely."

5. Aliens stated that the device will cause a change that "is going to be
something for which the world cannot wait." The Chinese are to provoke
certain unspecified changes, and that in those changes, "people who are
negative will disappear."

6. Subject remembers seeing (future) scenes of people running disoriented
along roads, and that there is a disaster coming.

7. Details of underwater tunnel described as walls of " firmed water," not
rock. The ship evidently generated a force field which repelled the water
around it.

8. Devices were supposedly installed in subject's head by aliens.
Subsequent x-rays revealed nothing.

(Session 3)

1. First contact with these groups of aliens began 4,000 years ago.

2. It has been thousands of years since this group last descended to earth.

3. If progress on earth does not continue, aliens will use more forceful
demonstrations to get their point across that we must have peace and

4. Subject was interrogated for 15 days after the events by US security
and intelligence services.

5. Information from aliens had also to do with "an atrocity in the plans
certain forces on earth had planned."

6. Subject was seven years old when contact with aliens first occurred.

7. Aliens have ability to dematerialize their craft.

8. Aliens stated that we should beware of other alien groups who will
present themselves in a good light but if they pursue "bad objectives
against us they could do two things. They could destroy this planet with
the same arms that this planet has, or on the contrary, transport away all
our arms in one operation, which would take no more than 20 minutes of
our time. They can be visible or not, whatever they choose."

9. [sic] Treatise references 81 other crossbreeds from (negative) aliens
who have performed duties on earth. Half alien-half earthling =

10. Aliens spoke of great portions of land and whole cities will [sic]
disappear. Mexico City and major cities in California.

History and Operations -- Operation Trojan Horse

The amusing little mystery of flying saucers slowly evolves into a complicated series of
coincidences and paradoxes as we plunge deeper and deeper into the data, excluding
nothing, and considering everything as objectively as possible.

Our skies have been filled with "Trojan Horses" throughout history, and like the original
Trojan Horse, the SEEM to conceal hostile intent.

Several facts are now apparent:

The objects have always chosen to operate in a
clandestine manner, furtively choosing the hours of
darkness for their enigmatic activities over thinly-
populated areas, where the possibility of being detected
is slight.

The hostility factor is further supported by the fact
that the objects chose, most often, to appear in formsbr> which we
can readily accept and explain to our own
satisfaction -- ranging from dirigibles to meteors and
conventional-appearing airplanes.

The objects of unusual configuration, undoubtedly
constituting a deceptive minority of all the
paraphysical objects flitting about in our atmosphere.

In other words, flying saucers are not at all what we have hoped they were. They are a
part of something else. John A. Keel called that something else "Operation Trojan

When one really digs into UFO literature, it readily becomes clear that the
ultraterrestrials deliberately conveyed whatever impression that would meet the
available frame of reference for that time.

Until 1848, the religious frame of reference was constantly used by the phenomenon.
As man's technology improved many of our old beliefs were discarded and the
"phenomenon" was obliged to update its manifestations and establish new frames of
reference. No more objects were seen in 1947 than had been seen in 1847. We were
simply seeing them in a new way. A new game was being played with us.

A new game has emerged: the artifact or hardware game. The phenomenon has always
obliged us by planting false evidence all over the landscape.

UFO cultists trapped themselves into a hopeless situation almost from the outset. The
apparent purpose of most of the landings seems to have been to advance belief in the
frame of reference, not to provide absolute proof that the frame of reference is

Physical Evidence

All kinds of junk have fallen out of the sky throughout recorded history. Ivan T.
Sanderson has in his files extensive lists that go back to Roman times. Ridiculous things
such as stone pillars and heavy metal wheels have come crashing out of the blue, and
there are countless cases of ice blocks, some weighing hundreds of pounds, dropping
all over this planet. The flying saucers have been spewing all kinds of trash all over the
landscape. In nearly every instance, these materials always prove to be ordinary earthly
substances like magnesium, aluminum, chromium, and even plain old tin. Each of these
incidents give the skeptics new ammunition.

Mysterious hollow spheres have also been dropping out of the sky all over the world.
Three such spheres were found in the Australian desert in 1963. They were about 14
inches in diameter and had a shiny polished surface. Efforts to open the spheres failed,
and they were turned over to the USAF. Other metal spheres have dropped out of the
sky in Mexico (1967) and Conway, Arkansas (1967). The Mexican steel ball was
identified as titanium, the one in Arkansas steel.

Smaller colored spheres were found scattered over the French countryside in 1966-67,
as if it had been raining balls there. Where is all this stuff coming from? The same place
as the stone pillars and blocks of ice. Innumerable cases of contact and landings have
been flushed down the ufological drain because of the deliberate "negative factors."
Sincere witnesses have actually been ruined because the amateur UFO investigators
have accused them of being liars and worse.

Another fascinating game which the ufonauts play with a vengeance is the "repair"
gambit. Beginning in 1897, there has been an endless stream of stories and reports,
many from reliable witnesses, on how they encountered a grounded UFO and
observed the occupants making repairs of some kind. The basic details in all these
stories are so similar that it seems as if the ufonauts are following a carefully rehearsed

Generally speaking, there are three (3) types of beings observed in relation to UFOs:

Normal-looking people, including females.

Oriental, dark-skinned beings.

Unidentifiable creatures, who have made a real effort to
hide from witnesses.

Oddly enough, when all the reports and the data is in, the scope of the phenomenon
and the overwhelming quantity of reports negates its validity. An analysis of cases
indicates that flying saucers are not, in most cases, stable machines requiring fuel,
maintenance, and logistical support. Most of them are, in all probability, transmutations
of energy from other dimensions and do not exist in the same way that this paper exists.

The UFO phenomenon seems to be largely subjective: that is, specific kinds of people
become involved and are actually manipulated by the phenomenon in the same way that
it manipulates matter. These subjective experiences are far more important to our study
that the "random" superficial sightings. We are obliged to forget about the sightings and
concentrate on the claims and experiences of the contactees.

Thousands of UFO photos have been taken since 1882. There's just one problem.
With very few exceptions, no two UFO photos are alike. The sightings force two
unacceptable answers upon us:

All the witnesses were mistaken or lying.

Some tremendous unknown civilization is exerting an all-
out effort to manufacture thousands of different types of
UFOs and is sending them all to our planet.

The governments of the world overtly have maintained variations of the first proposal.
UFO enthusiasts accept the second. There is a third proposal which merits some
attention: some "hard" objects definitely exist as temporary materializations from other
dimensions. They leave indentations in the ground when they land. Witnesses have
touched them and even been inside them. These "hard" objects may be decoys to
cover the multitudinous activities of the "soft" objects. The "soft" objects hold one of the
keys of the mystery. There are countless sightings of objects which changed size and
shape in front of witnesses who often get the impression that it was alive, that it was not
behaving like a mechanical object at all.

There is no question at all that there are intelligences that can manipulate or materialize
any kind of object into our dimension. Let's take a look, for a second, at the
electromagnetic spectrum. As you know, our visual spectrum makes up a small portion
of the whole. Look at what's involved with UFOs:

Green Visible-Yellow

If you will relate this to cases that you are familiar with, as far as appearance, spectrum
shift when in flight, etc., you will see the applicability of the above diagram.

When UFO stabilize in our dimension they radiate energy on all frequencies and
become glowing white. Radical maneuvers require a frequency alteration, which
produces color changes. It is interesting to note that in Blue Book Report #14, they
replaced the phrase "Electromagnetic Phenomenon" with the word "Unknown"
in a majority of those cases. Why? There is no doubt that again, a situation exists where
we have multiple realities within the UFO realm as well. It is clear that we are not
dealing with random ET visitors. It has an extreme element of intention to do with all of
it. Mutilations started in April, 1897, with the abduction of Alexander Hamilton's calf,
witnessed by several people. That is one of the constants that has been with us that has
not changed frame of reference. How many people give thought to the three
dark-skinned wise men who appeared before the birth of Jesus, spread the reality of
the happening, and disappeared again. All the dark-skinned men in threes. MIB. It
makes you wonder. Hmmmm.

Charting the Enigma

Well, here we are again. Taking a sample of 33% of 10,000 or so cases, or about
3,330 cases, we find that 730 are so-called Type I, a low-level object observed and
reported by reliable witnesses. It was found that 2,600 were Type II, high-altitude
objects performing in a controlled manner and distinct from normal aircraft and natural
phenomena. The time of the sightings depends on where you are. If you are in a rural
area, sightings conveniently begin after 10 p.m. A populated area would have them
between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. For some reason, in many "flaps," Wednesday had about
20.5% of the sightings. Hmmm.

Now, if the UFO phenomenon (and I dislike that word) had a purely psychic basis then
I would think there would be more sightings on a Saturday, when people are
statistically out and about than on Wednesday. There are notable exceptions to
everything of course, one of which was the "flap" of August 16, 1966, which was on a

Reports seem to cluster within political boundaries of states, as if there were a
methodical exploration of states from border to border. If the UFO were a natural
occurrence, one would expect otherwise.

Thousands of sightings can be fitted into the "great circle" route, and often the dates
are staggered so that it appears that the phenomenon moves systematically from point
to point.

Every state in the United States has from two to ten "windows." These are areas
where UFOs appear repeatedly year after year. The objects will appear in these places
and pursue courses confined to sectors with a radius of about 200 miles. The great
circle from Canada (not to be confused with the traditional Great Circle) in the
northwest through the central states and back into northeast Canada is a major
window. Hundreds of smaller windows lie within that circle. Another major window is
centered in the Gulf of Mexico and encompasses much of Mexico, Texas and the

As mentioned previously, many windows center directly over area of magnetic

UFOs seem to congregate about the highest available hills in these window areas. They
become visible in these centers and then radiate outward, traveling sometimes 100-200
miles before disappearing again.

Among the great heaps of neglected and ignored UFO data, we find hundreds of
"minipeople" accounts. These are very rarely published anywhere because they tend to
be so unbelievable. Most of them are identical to the fairy and gnome stories of
yesteryear. Witnesses to these events can experience conjunctivitis, akinesia
(paralysis), amnesia, and the other effects often noted by witnesses to more
conventional events. One notable event is one that occurred in Seattle, Washington, in
the latter part of August, 1965. A woman awoke around 2 a.m. and discovered she
could not move a muscle or make a sound. Her window was open, and suddenly a
tiny, football-sized dull-grey object floated through the window and hovered over the
carpet near her bed. Three legs lowered from the object and it settled to the floor. A
small ramp extended from it and five or six tiny people clambered out and seemed to
work on some kind of repairs on the object. They wore tight-fitting clothing. When they
were finished, they got in and the object took off and sailed out the window. At that
point, she was able to move. The case was investigated by J. Russell Jenkins of Seattle.

You can readily see why almost none of these kinds of stories ever appear in print,
except in occult-oriented literature. Nevertheless, if we hope to assess the true UFO
situation, we must examine all these stories. We can learn nothing by considering only
those incidents which are emotionally and intellectually acceptable to us.

TIME is one of the most important aspects of the UFO thing. It plays a strange but
significant role. Part of the answer may not lie in the stars but in the clock ticking on
your fireplace.

Our world exists in three dimensions. We can move in many directions within these
dimensions. Space does not exist except when we make it exist. To us, the distance
between atoms in our matter is so minute that it can only be calculated with hypothetical
measurements. Yet, if we lived on an atom, and our size was relative to its size, the
distance to the next atom would seem awesome.

There is another man-made measurement called time. Unlike the other three
dimensions, time has us seemingly trapped. Time becomes very real to us, and it
appears that we couldn't live without it. Yet time doesn't really exist at all. This moment
exists to us. Does this mean the same moment is being shared by other planets?

The UFO phenomenon does seem to be controlled. It does follow intelligent patterns.
If the objects themselves are manifestations of higher energies, then something has to
manipulate those energies somehow and reduce them to the visible frequencies. Not
only do they enter the visible frequencies, but they take forms which seem physical and
real to us, and they carry out actions which seem to be intelligent.

Thus we arrive at the source. The source has to be a form of intelligent energy
operating at the highest possible point of the frequency spectrum. If such an energy
exists at all, it might permeate the universe and maintain equal control of each
component part. Because of its very high frequency, so high that the energy particles
are virtually standing still, the source has no need to replenish itself in any way that
would be acceptable to our environmental sciences. It could actually create and
destroy matter by manipulating the lower energies. It would be timeless, because it
exists beyond all time fields. It would be infinite because it is not confined by
three-dimensional "space."

Children. Children figure neatly into this, and they always have. The child's mind,
especially before the so-called age of reason when the logic circuits begin to form, is a
clear instrument, open and uninfluenced by opinions and conclusions. This is an
important point in the UFO mystery.

Perhaps if we were in a pure energy state, each particle of energy would itself serve as
a synapse, and information could be stored by a slight alteration in frequency. All the
memory fragments of a rose, for example, would be recorded at one frequency, and
the whole energy form could tune into that memory by adjusting frequencies, as we
might adjust a radio receiver. In other words, no complex circuitry would be required.
No body would be necessary. The energy patterns would not need material form. It
would permeate the entire universe. It could surround you completely at this very
moment and be aware of all the feeble impulses of low energy passing through your
brain. If it so desired, it could control those pulses and thus control your thoughts. Man
has always been aware of this intelligent energy or force. He has always worshipped it.

Our first conclusion is that the UFOs originate from beyond our own time frame or time
cycle. Our second conclusion is that the source has total foreknowledge of human
events and even of individual lives. Since time and space are not absolutes, these two
conclusions are compatible.

It is that all human events occur simultaneously when viewed by a greater intelligence. If
a greater intelligence wants to communicate with a lower form, all kinds of problems
are presented. The communication must be conducted in a manner which will be
meaningful and understandable to the lower life form. An acceptable frame of reference
must be found and utilized.

UFO phenomenon, especially the "soft" ones, are frequently reflective; that is, the
observed manifestations seem to be deliberately tailored and adjusted to the individual
beliefs and attitudes of the witnesses. Contactees are given information which, in most
cases, conforms to their beliefs. UFO researchers who concentrate on one particular
aspect or theory find themselves inundated with seemingly reliable reports which seem
to substantiate that theory.

John Keel's extensive experiences with this reflective factor led him to carry out weird
experiments which confirmed that a large part of the reported data is engineered and
deliberately false. The witnesses are not the perpetrators, but merely the victims.

The apparent purpose of all this false data is multifold. Much of it is meant to create
confusion and diversion. Some of it has served to support certain beliefs which were
erroneous but which would serve as stepping-stones to the higher, more complex truth.
Whole generations have come and gone, happily believing in the false data, unaware
that they were mere links in the chain.

If it were all understood too soon, we might crumble under the weight of the truth. This
earth is covered with windows into those other unseen worlds. If we had the
instruments to detect them, we would find that these windows are the focal points for
super high-frequency waves -- the "rays" of ancient lore. These rays might come from
Orion or the Pleiades as the ancients claimed, or they might be part of the great force
that emanates throughout the universe. The UFOs have given us the evidence that such
rays exist. Now, slowly, we are being told why.

It is also apparent that some entities are having a good laugh at our expense. As
mentioned before, literature indicates that the phenomenon carefully cultivated the
religious frame of reference in early times, just as the modern manifestations have
carefully supported the extraterrestrial frame of reference.

The Devil's emissaries of yesteryear have been replaced by the mysterious "men in
black." A major, but little-explored, aspect of the UFO phenomenon is therefore
theological and philosophical rather than purely scientific. The UFO problem can never
be untangled by physicists and scientists unless they are men who also are schooled in
the other disciplines.

The earth was occupied before man arrived or was created. That's an important point
to consider. The original occupants were paraphysical and possessed the power of
transmutation of matter. Man was the interloper. The inevitable conflict arose between
physical man and the paraphysical owners of the planet. Man accepted the
interpretation that this conflict raged between his creator and the Devil. The religious
viewpoint has always been that the Devil has been attacking man (trying to get rid of
him) by causing havoc upon him. There is historical and modern proof that this may be

It is interesting that parapsychologists have long concluded that the paralysis that
contactees experience is a contributing cause; that the entity may materialize by utilizing
energy from the percipient himself.

John Keel has in his files hundreds of cases, some of which have now been investigated
by qualified psychiatrists, in which young men and women obsessed with the UFO
phenomenon have suffered frightening visits from apparitions, followed up by
mysterious black Cadillacs which appeared and disappeared suddenly, and have been
terrified into up their pursuit of the UFOs. The phenomenon is again reflective in nature;
the more frightened the victim becomes, the more the manifestations are escalated.
Think about it.

The Other Side of the Coin

There is a balance in nature, and there also seems to be a balance in the UFO picture.
People have actually died after exposure to the gamma and UV rays from UFOs. But
other people have actually had their ailments cured by similar rays. Occult literature is
filled with accounts of this type.

Except for those who might be specially constructed for incubus-succubus activities, it
does appear that our "angels" and "spacemen" come from a world, in many cases, with
sex -- and very probably, a world without an organized society; a world in which each
individual is merely a unit in the whole and is totally controlled by the collective
intelligence or energy mass of that whole. In other words, these beings, or some of
them anyway, have no free will. They are slaves of a very high order. Often they try to
convey this to percipients with their statements, "We are One," "We are in bondage."

We face a great task in trying to isolate the UFO phenomenon from the larger and
more important "big picture," the overall situation of which the UFOs are merely a
small part.

Elemental beings are another aspect of the world we live in. Children see them more
than adults, perhaps for the reasons described before. Historical records certainly
indicate that the little people have always existed all over this planet; that they possess
the power of flight, the power of invisibility, and, to varying degrees, the power to
dominate and control the human mind. Accounts of little humanoids with supernatural
powers can be found in almost every culture.

The manifestations have remained the same throughout history. Only our interpretations
of those events have changed. It brought the birth of Spiritualism, which was in its
heyday in the 1850s and 1860s, and was just another form of communication between
the ultraterrestrials and ourselves.

UFO flaps also parallel outbreaks of poltergeist cases. It all ties in together.

Assuming that each discovered historical report represents a larger number of
unpublished or undiscovered reports, just as today's UFO reports represent on the
average 250 unreported or unpublished sightings, we can conclude that a flap condition
existed, for example, in the years 1820, 1834, 1844, 1846, and 1849. We also find
that there was an outbreak of poltergeists in 1835, 1846, and 1849.

As the 19th century progressed, reporting improved, and we are able to make more
precise correlations. A UFO flap took place in 1850, and there was also a series of
poltergeist cases. A larger poltergeist outbreak occurred in 1867, following flaps in
1863-64. UFO activity became more intense beginning in 1870, and there were
notable flaps in 1872, 1877, and 1879. The 1880s produced a major explosion of all
kinds of phenomena, including the sudden disappearance of people. Poltergeist cases
were in abundance in that decade, particularly in the big flap years of 1883 and 1885.

Astrophysicist Morris K. Jessup labeled the years 1877-87 the "Incredible Decade"
after scouring astronomical journals of the period. Astronomers made some remarkable
discoveries during those years. The previously unobserved satellites of Mars popped
into view in 1877, new craters appeared on the moon, all kinds of strange objects
flitted around the upper atmosphere.

The trance phenomenon deserves extensive study because so many aspects of it are
directly related to the contactee phenomenon. In both, you will find the same
contradictions. There seem to be both good and evil forces at work. The good guys
latch onto people with particularly receptive minds and turn them into trance mediums
and the bad guys use the same methods to tamper with the minds of contactees and
even to commit murder indirectly. Since incidents of these types can be traced
throughout history, it seems probably that these forces have always been here on this
planet. do the ultraterrestrials really care about us? There is much evidence to suggest
that they don't. They care only to the extent that we can fulfill our enigmatic use to

There have been innumerable psychic hoaxes for the past 150 years, and many of these
parallel the UFO hoaxes. In ufology we have to contend with the teenager's hot air
balloon, and in psychic phenomenon we have to worry about youngsters firing rocks at
houses. There are, however, more UFO sightings than there are plastic balloons, and
more poltergeists dumping rocks in living rooms than there are wild-eyed youngsters
with slingshots. There are also more ultraterrestrial entities than either the occultists or
the UFO researchers can dream of.

Giant winged beings, usually described as headless, are an integral part of the UFO
phenomenon. Winged human forms have been seen flying over many areas of the
world. John A. Keel wrote a book called the "Mothman Prophecies" and Gray Barker
a book called "The Silver Bridge" that go into some detail. They are usually described
as having blazing red eyes set deep in their shoulders.

On May 13, 1917, three girls in Portugal were in the meadows of a place called Cova
da Iria outside of Fatima, Portugal, when they saw a flash of light in the clear sky. They
ran for shelter under a tree, thinking that was lightning. When they reached the tree,
they stopped in amazement, for there hovering just above a 3-foot evergreen nearby, a
brilliant globe of light hung suspended.

Within this globe there was an entity garbed in a luminous white robe with a face of light
which dazzled and hurt the eyes.

The figure stated that it was from heaven, and asked the girls to come there on the 13th
day, for six months in succession. On October 13, 1917, an estimated 70,000 people
had gathered at the site. Suddenly the crowd screamed, for something came through
the clouds: a huge silver disk which rotated rapidly as it descended towards the crowd.
It seemed to change color, going through the spectrum. These gyrations continued for
ten minutes. Miles from there, others were also watching the same object.

The incident at Fatima was obviously a carefully planned and deliberately executed
demonstration. The major prophecies of Fatima had been written down and sealed in
an envelope, and turned over to the Vatican. They were supposed to be revealed to
the world in 1960. The secret of Fatima? One Pope was murdered after only 30 days
in office when the Vatican thought he would reveal it. It is said to be a prediction of the
end of the world. The demonstration was therefore a failure as far as the ultraterrestrials
were concerned. Such demos proved highly effective in Biblical times, but times were
changing and new methods were called for.

A similar event such as Fatima took place in Garabandal, Germany, on July 2, 1961.
Even more startling, on the entity's right side they could see "a square of red fire framing
a triangle with an eye and some writing. The lettering was in an old Oriental script." The
Third Eye. Haven't we heard of that before?

Remember the Nation of the Third Eye -- the MIB. etc?


Gravitational Propulsion

Well, I have gotten this far in explaining some things to you. I might as well turn to my
favorite subject of all -- gravitational propulsion. The best place to start is with the
efforts of a personal acquaintance of mine who had the good fortune to meet in England
-- Mr. J. R. Searl. His investigations into gravitational propulsion have proven to be
quite revealing -- he's done it, and I want to tell you about it.

In 1949, he was employed by the Midlands Board as an electronic fitter. He was very
enthusiastic about the subject of electricity, though he had no formal education on the
subject other than was required by his job. Unhindered by conventional ideas about
electricity, he carried out his own investigation into the subject. During work on
electrical motors and generators, he noticed that a small electromotive force (EMF)
was produced by the spinning metal parts -- the negative toward the outside and the
positive toward the rotational axis.

In 1950, he experimented with rotating slip rings and measured a small EMF on a
conventional meter. He also noticed that when the rings were spinning freely and no
electrical current was taken, his hair bristled. His conclusions were that free electrons in
the metal were spun out by centrifugal force being produced by the static field in the
metal. He then decided to build a generator on the same principle.

It had a segmented rotor disc, passing through electromagnets at its periphery. The
electromagnets were energized from the rotor, and were intended to boost the EMF.

By 1952, the first generator had been constructed and was about three feet in
diameter. It was tested in the open by Searl and a friend. The armature was set in
motion by a small engine. The device produced the expected electrical power, but at an
unexpectedly high potential. At relatively low armature speeds a potential of the order
of 10^5 volts was produced, as indicated by static effects on nearby objects.

The really unexpected then occurred. While still speeding up, the generator lifted and
rose to a height of about 50 feet above the ground, breaking the union between itself
and the engine. Here it stayed for a while, still speeding up and surrounding itself with a
pink glow. This indicated ionization of air at a much reduced pressure of about 10^-3
mm Hg. More interesting was the side effect, causing local radio receivers to go on by
themselves. Finally, the whole generator accelerated at a fantastic rate and is thought to
have gone off into space.

Since that day, Searl and others have made some ten or more small flying craft, some
of which have been similarly lost, and have developed a form of control. Larger craft
have been built -- some 12 feet and two 30 feet in diameter.

Once the machine has passed a certain threshold of potential voltage, the energy output
exceeds the input. The energy output seems to be virtually limitless. We made some
measurements when I was there, and as far as we could see, the estimated output is
somewhere in the vicinity of 10^13 to 10^15 watts. Above what appears to be the
threshold potential, some 10^13 volts, the generator and attached parts become
inertia-free. There is also some "matter snatch" upon acceleration away from the
ground, since it tends to take a little "turf" with it when it goes.

Analyzing what is happening is fairly easy. What the generator is doing is placing a
"stress" on the ambient space around it. The space breaks down to provide the
magnetism to relieve the stress, but the energy by-product is absorbed by the
generator, which reinforces the field.

It should be noted at this point that only a very small amount of space fabric passes
through the craft and an even smaller amount is converted for energy. However, I have
noticed that small changes in etheric forces lead to large physical effects. It was aptly
demonstrated and I was impressed

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