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There has been a great deal of new information about UFO activity in Southern California, specifically in the vicinity of Lancaster, Palmdale and Edwards AFB. It appears that three research facilities operated by Northrop, McDonnell-Douglas and Lockheed are involved with developing new types of aircraft which possibly utilize anti-gravity propulsion. There are also reports by people who say they work at (or used to work at) these facilities. They describe huge, elaborate, underground complexes that are linked together by tunnels. Not only that, but some local residents have told UFO researchers that they have been abducted and taken to an underground facility where they report seeing humans in military uniforms and small grey-skinned "alien" beings. An outline of my preliminary on-site investigation follows:
The Northrop facility goes by the name of "The Tejon Ranch" (pronounced tay-on). It is sometimes referred to by UFO researchers as the "Tehachapi Ranch." It is located in the foothills of the Tehachapi mountains, at the mouth of Little Oak Canyon, about 25 miles northwest of Lancaster, California. It is not under restricted airspace. Although the public is told that this is a cattle ranch, no livestock are visible anywhere on the property. UFO researcher, Bill Hamilton says that if asked, Northrop Corporation will say that this is an "electromagnetic research facility". UFO Researcher, Norio Hayakawa, reports that the signs at the main entrance gate read: "PRIVATE PROPERTY-NO TRESPASSING." Other signs read: "DANGER!POISON DEVICES IN THE AREA! THESE DEVICES ARE DANGEROUS. THEY CONTAIN DEADLY CYANIDE. STAY AWAY AND KEEP YOUR DOGS AWAY. THESE DEVICES ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AND ARE USED FOR PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK AND GAME ANIMALS. TAMPERING WITH THESE DEVICES OR THIS SIGN IS A FEDERAL OFFENSE. THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE." It is the opinion of some researchers that there is no cyanide and these signs merely serve as a deterrent. This facility does not appear to have anything to do with livestock. Another sign attached to the cattle gate reads: "NORTHROP CORPORATION-PICO RIVERA." Norio Hayakawa also reports that a white van with government plates is seen entering the cattle gate daily at 7am, 3pm, and 11pm. It is driven by a uniformed guard with a Northrop arm patch, and usually contains additional military personnel in uniform. In the aerial photos, the long, wide surfaces are not runways. There are white-painted diamond-shaped openings on these surfaces. A white pylon is visible in the center of one diamond shape. A pylon "rack" and antenna array are located near the main buildings. One obvious purpose of this and the other facilities operated by McDonnell-Douglas and Lockheed is for "Stealth" aircraft research. Various objects or aircraft shapes can be placed on the pylons and radar or other types of energy can be projected at the aircraft shapes so that the reflected energy can be measured or other types of experiments can be made. There may be other purposes for this arrangement.The Northrop facility is rumored to have at least 42 underground levels and is said to connect to other underground facilities by an extensive network of subterranean tunnels. Many strange aircraft have been seen flying over and around the area,including glowing disks, triangle shapes, large boomerang shapes, elongated shapes with lighted windows, and small glowing spheres. There is one report from a woman who lives about 10 miles east of the Northrop facility. She says that she saw a very large glowing disk hovering over the buildings at the northwest end. The disk was described as being as wide as the group of buildings, which would make it several hundred feet in diameter!
Small disks have been reported to be seen coming and going, from the area near the base, perhaps using the white diamond shapes on the "runways" for entry and exit.
Black helicopters are commonly seen flying around. While Bill Hamilton and I were near the cattle gate entrance, we saw a dark colored UH-1 "Huey" helicopter approach the area from the direction of Edwards AFB. We lost sight of it as it flew into a canyon just north of the area. We did not see it land at the base. There is rumored to be a disguised entrance in the Tehachapi mountains that may be used by helicopters and perhaps other types of craft.
The McDonnell Douglas facility is sometimes referred to as the "Llano" facility. It is located at the site of the old Gray Butte Airport, about six miles southwest of El Mirage dry lake and about nine miles northeast of Llano, California. It is not located under restricted airspace.
The original triangular runway configuration is still visible but the runways are no longer used for conventional aircraft takeoffs and landings. Large letters on one runway read "NO TRESPASSING UNSAFE FOR LANDING." Signs attached to the perimeter fence read: "TRESPASSING-LOITERING FORBIDDEN BY LAW. RIGHT TO PASS BY PERMISSION AND SUBJECT TO CONTROL OF OWNER."
The main buildings and antennas are at the west end. A large building with internal crane slides on two tracks and can be positioned over a fixed pylon in order to place an object on top of the pylon.
Unusual glowing objects are seen mounted on this pylon at night. People have seen a glowing object on this pylon that varied in intensity from a dim white to brilliant red/orange. Small glowing spheres have been reported to approach curious onlookers at night. It is thought that these glowing objects might be some type of monitoring device. The maneuvering abilities of these spheres defy explanation.
The Lockheed facility is called the RCS (Radar Cross Section) test range. It is sometimes referred to as the "Hellendale" facility. This is a genuine underground base. It also may function as a C.o.G. (continuity of government) facility. It is located next to the site of the old Hellendale auxiliary airport, six miles north of Hellendale, California and two miles south of the southern edge of the Edwards AFB restricted airspace. It is shown as a circle with an X on the Los Angeles aviation sectional chart. The triangular runway configuration is visible to the west. The main buildings and main antenna array are at the south end. The main underground entrance is visible to the north. Two lighter colored gray diamond shapes are visible on the prepared surface. Most straight surfaces are angled away from the antennas. There appear to be numerous openings to the underground visible in the photos. There is a sliding door arrangement at the north end, just above where the road leads underground. Just a few yards to the north is a dark colored square that appears to open like the petals of a flower. Signs at the perimeter fence read: "TRESPASSING-LOITERING FORBIDDEN BY LAW. TRESPASSERS ARE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. PRIVATE PROPERTY-NO TRESPASS.LOCKHEED CORP." (WITNESS REPORT [beginning] )- When I flew over the area, an elliptically-shaped object was mounted on top of the northern pylon and was slowly rotating. I estimate the height of the pylon to be at least 100 feet. The elliptical object is at about 30 feet long. The object is similar in shape to half an almond, flat on the bottom,pointed at both ends, with a curved flange running along each side. What it is I can't be sure, but it is my guess that it is a full-sized "something" rather than a component of something else. On a different day, Bill Hamilton and I observed the Lockheed Hellendale facility from the road just west of the perimeter fence. As we watched, two large doors opened up and a pylon with elliptical object attached rose up out of the ground. The large doors are still open in the photos and video. This object could be the same as the one seen from the air, but since it was only seen from one side, it is not known for certain if it was actually disk-shaped, but it is possible. In August, I was in the Los Angeles area and met with Gary Schultz and Norio Hayakawa. They reported that on a recent visit to the same area, they saw a definite disk-shaped object on the pylon. (WITNESS REPORT [End]) So what does all this mean? It means that for the first time, we have verifiable evidence of high-technology aircraft being designed or built by U.S. aerospace corporations at secret underground installations. These aircraft do not depend on aerodynamic lift from wings, propellers, jet thrust, etc.
Does this mean that all UFOs/flying saucers are really American high-tech aircraft that have been kept secret all these years? Are aliens from other planets just a convenient cover story? Not on your life! Unexplained craft have been seen for thousands of years. Are these craft made by "us," "them," or some combination? Who knows? Perhaps it is true that we have discovered how to build aircraft similar to "alien" flying saucers, but did we have help from someone else? What, if anything did we trade for this help? Who oversees these "Deep Black" programs? How much do they cost? And most importantly, what is the purpose? We do not yet have the answers. At any rate, the test programs are becoming bolder and more intense.
The U.S. government has a close working relationship with alien beings, three unnamed witnesses told a California radio station in a program aired in June.The four-hour program, produced and broadcast by KPFA-FM in Berkeley, Calif., ranged widely over the UFO topic, but the most explosive segments were the testimony of a construction contractor who said he saw aliens at Edwards Air Force Base and at the China Lake Naval Weapons facility in California; the testimony of a man who described "saucers" being launched from a Northrop facility near Edwards; and a woman's second-hand account of a meeting between aliens and U.S. military officers.
Moreover, it now appears that KPFA's voice in the UFO area has been silenced. Although in June the program producer Ralph Steiner promised additional coverage of the UFO issue in future broadcasts, inquires from the Forum were met with this blunt message from Mr. Steiner: "Do not re-broadcast the tape. Persons whose testimony is on the tape have been threatened and their lives are in danger." Subsequent inquiries from The Forum to Mr. Steiner have gone unanswered.
The Forum has obtained a tape of the KPFA broadcast. What follows is a summary and excerpts from witness No. 1. According to the KPFA broadcast, the interviews were conducted in April 1991 in communities surrounding Edwards Air Force Base in the Antelope Valley of Southern California. Witness No. 1 described himself as a Vietnam veteran, former Green Beret, military medal-holder, and a licensed general contractor who has worked on construction projects at Chuna Lake and at Nellis, Scott, Edwards, and Andrews Air Force Bases. The projects, the witness said, were "mostly underground." * Underground Structures, Alien Beings*
Each of these facilities has extensive underground installations, and they are "definitely not normal military structures," the witness said. He described 4-foot thick concrete walls and electronically-con-trolled oval-shaped doorways."In one building I worked on at Edwards, called Haystack Buttes, it took us over 5 minutes to get from the top to the bottom by elevator," the witness said. "We estimated it was 30 stories deep." It was here that the witness first saw an alien. "We were walking down a hall," the witness said, "and these doors opened and there was a very particular person or things that caught my eye for an instant. This man was over seven feet tall. I'd say between 8 and 9 to 10 feet, wearing a lab jacket and talking to two [human] engineers.
"This man's arms were almost down to his knees! It threw me into shock," the witness said. "And then the doors closed. Security saw us and told us to get out of there. Next day I walked off the job," the witness said.Asked if the being he saw was a human, the witnessreplied, "Definitely not. He had big slanted eyes. A big head. Fingers were extremely long. Greenish skin." The witness said he saw the being for "just a couple of seconds.Three-quarters of its face is what I saw and I said, this guy would make a hell of a basketball player!"
* One Witness Scared, the Other Dead
The witness said his co-worker " 'bout died" when he too saw the being. The witness compared the height of the being to the height of the humans standing next to it. He said he knew one of the humans, whose height he estimated at 6 feet 6 inches.
Witness No. 1 described a second encounter with aliens. He said he and co-workers saw "greys" at the China Lake naval facility. "They [security] thought we had left--me and two other guys. But we decided to stay over and finish this job. Wewalked past a hangar and we could see through a window," thewitness said.
"One of the guys I was with, Paul, he saw them first. He said, 'Come here! Hurry up! I want to show you something!' And we looked in the window and there's these four little grey guys about 3 feet tall. "Right then, security saw us and they told us, 'We thought you guys left.' And they escorted us and said,'You're not allowed around this hangar. This hangar is off-limits to everybody. You'll get yourself shot.'
"And it messed with Paul's mind so much that every chance he got he snuck over there. He finally got caught and was kicked off the base. About three months later they found him mysteriously dead in Orange County. This kinda put a scare in me. I know why not to mess with something," the witness said.
"After that I said, Ain't nobody pulling the blanket over my head any more. l know what's going on now. l know what I saw at Edwards is real. Somebody's playing games with us,"the witness said.
It should be noted that KPFA is one of five "Pacifica"stations, the first of which was founded in the late 1940s.The Pacifica stations, in New York, berkeley, Los Angeles,Fresno, and Washington, D.C., are alternative, non-commercial and listener-sponsored, with a long tradition ofpolitical activism and precedent-making First Amendment struggles.
Since the age of 13, 1 have had an intense interest in the subject of UFOlogy, which was sparked after reading Frank Edwards' book FLYING SAUCERS, SERIOUS BUSINESS. This led to an interest in the investigation of subsurface anomalies, followed by a still later fascination with conspiracy research (all-together, they represent the study of that which is Above, Below and Within). I will refrain from explaining how I came to the following conclusions, as it would take an entire volume to list the various sources of information that I've encountered in the past years.
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